Chapter 24

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With each passing day (F/n) struggled to hide her morning sickness. On weekdays it wasn't much of a problem as her parents had left the house early for work while Yuu went to morning practice. It allowed the teen to be left in peace to hug the toilet bowl. The weekends were when she struggled to hide her condition. In an effort to cover the sounds, the teen would have music blaring along with the shower running. She was honestly surprised no one questioned the sudden change in her weekend morning routine.

After spending majority of the morning with her head over the toilet bowl, the teen had to rush getting ready for school, hoping she wouldn't be late. Luck wasn't on her side lately, so she didn't hold her standards too high. After checking she had everything, including a slice of bread for breakfast, the emerald-eyed teen exited the house and made her way to school.

(F/n) made it in time for school by the skin of her teeth. The only reason she hadn't been marked late had been because her homeroom teacher was running later than her. The morning dragged on as the teachers droned on about upcoming college exams. It wasn't until morning tea that she had been reminded of a task that still needed to be done; to get her failed grades signed off.

The thought of having to show her parents her horrible marks, then explain herself had the teen's stomach doing uncomfortable backflips. (F/n) had been debating if she should forge their signatures since they wouldn't be around when she'd have to do the supplementary exams. Tapping her pen against her book, the idea was promising, but she'd be in worse trouble if the school called her parents to discuss the results.

The day continued to progress, and (F/n)'s mind struggled to follow along with the subjects being taught. The teen had tried to stay focused but had a bigger problem on her plate that had to be dealt with even if she didn't want to. Pursing her lips while staring at the board, Saeko had told her to come find her if things didn't turn out the way she wanted, and she'd help. The emerald-eyed teen was in desperate need of help, and the only person she could talk to at the moment was Tanaka's sister.

After spending a bit of time debating with herself, the pregnant teen decided to just rip the band-aid off and see the blonde after finishing school for the day. The day had dragged out longer than expected after being held back and scolded by a teacher for not paying attention in class. Running a hand through her short messy hair, she just apologised before trying to leave. Before getting a chance to escape for the day, she was handed the timetable for the supplementary exams.

Stuffing the paperwork into her bag as she stepped out of class before heading down to the ground floor. Adjusting her school bag while taking notice of the lack of people lingering around, everyone had already made their way to activities or headed home for the day. Staring at the path out of school, the emerald-eyed teen groaned, realising she would have to let Yuu know she wouldn't be home till later, and he would need to sort his own dinner out.

(F/n) headed towards the volleyball gym in search of her brother. Letting out a sigh of relief, noticing they had just finished a jog and hadn't gone into the gym yet. Picking up her pace just in case, they decided to quickly move inside. Getting closer, she noticed her brother internally struggling with something. Her brow furrowed in concern, wondering what had him so deep in thought.

"Yuu," calling out to her brother, hoping to catch his attention.

The libero lifted his hazel orbs hearing his sister's voice; noticing the short female approach, he couldn't help but grit his teeth. He had overheard Daichi and Sugawara talking about her, he couldn't believe what the setter had said, but doubt swam through his mind. Since the breakup, his sister hadn't been in a good place, so what Suga said could be true. He just wanted to know why she would hide it from him.

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