Chapter 16

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Following the team into the gym the second day of the tournament, the short teen noticed an increase of people attending. Hanging back slightly from the volleyball team, their focus radiating off them even from a distance. She could feel their determination and confidence in the air around them.

The air in the gym hummed with excitement, (f/n) took notice of other students making their way to the stands while most adults took their time heading in. Noticing the team come to a stop before the doors that would lead them to the court. Taking a moment, she wished them all the best for their match. Stepping away from the group and making her way round to the stairs a familiar voice called out to her.


Turning to the direction of the voice she offered a lopsided smile to the chocolate haired setter who was followed by his babysitter "hey Oikawa, Iwaizumi. Shouldn't you be getting ready to head onto the court soon?"

Resting a hand on his hip offering her a dazzling smile, "we couldn't go on without seeing our favourite baby crow."

Pursing her lips for a moment, "So in other words your just wasting time."

Iwaizumi let out a defeated sigh, "spot on."

The brown eyed male whined, "why are you both ganging up on me? I just came to make sure you were okay?"

Her shoulders dropped knowing he had a weird way of expressing his concern, " you shouldn't be worrying about me. Go and warm up and focus on the match."

The two males could only suppress a grimace as they noticed how much she didn't want to be there. Letting out a dramatic sigh, "fine. i guess we have to go then."

The spiky haired vice-captain agreed, "Yeah time to head back then." Nodding his head at (f/n), "we'll catch up later."

Offering them a small wave, " Good luck."

Making her way up to the viewing platform in search of the optimum spot for photos. Walking around the front row she spotted to familiar faces, she had seen them hanging around coach Ukai a bit and from the neighbourhood association team. Deciding to play it safe and be near people who were rooting for Karasuno, she set herself up a couple of sets away from them.

Pulling put her equipment she quickly began setting everything up. Casting her eyes over both teams warming up she couldn't help but chuckle at the similarities. Letting a sigh out through her nose clearing her thoughts while keeping her eyes on the players as the whistle blew.

The first set started with Oikawa gaining the first point with a bold setter dump. Snapping a few images of both teams' expressions trying not to snicker as the chocolate haired male taunted the team. It wasn't long till Kageyama returned the play earning them a point while letting (f/n) get some interesting images of both teams.

Observing her brother as he received a serve that sharply curved at the last second, to say she was impress was an understatement at how much potential she saw in him. Shoving back memories from the past of Yuu declaring he was going to surpass her as a libero and similar moments before she ended up in tears.

The short haired female frowned as the setter started to single out Tanaka, trying to isolate him from the team. Clicking her tongue noticing how quiet he was becoming with each failed receive or blocked spike. Her worry didn't last long as she captured the moment, he slapped himself out of it before apologizing to the team.

Rubbing the side of her forehead as the high-pitched screams fed her incoming headache. Each and every time the alien obsessed male did something his fan girls would squeal and cheer to the point she questioned their sanity. She understood he was an extraordinary player and a good bloke, but she couldn't understand the need to fawn over him.

Lowering her camera as Sugawara started heading towards the court to replace Kageyama who had just rushed an impossible toss and started panicking. A bitter smile crept up as she watched him interact with the team as he stepped onto the court, he lifted the teams spirit bringing the change of pace they needed. Pressing her lips together as the site of him still brought up angry tears which she managed to successfully blink away.


The third set had the teen feeling light headed and nauseated. Both teams were fighting tooth and nail to get points. The petite female knew any moment the game would be decided. Taking a breath as she steadied the camera waiting for that split second, waiting for one team to falter.

Pressing her lips together as she followed the ball pass over the net through the lens of the camera. A split second behind the pace and she nearly missed it, the instant Hinata was blocked. Her heart broke for the first year along with the team, capturing this moment felt wrong but that's had to be done. Snapping a few images of Hinata before getting some of the rest of the team. Letting out a defeated sigh as she packed her gear away into her bag.

Watching the team bow in front of the spectators with tears in their eyes broke her heart. Clapping along with the others before stepping away. The teens stomach knotted itself tight as she headed down to the main entrance to wait for the team. She knew from past experience that words weren't going to make things better in this situation they were going to need time. Tapping the strap of her bag as she continued to wait while her thoughts drifted to a time when she played and how everything feel apart in a moment.

Snapping out of her bubble as someone called her name, lifting her head she spotted Yuu standing in front of her waving his hand back and forth. Casting her eyes over his face noticing his eyes were red and puffy, biting her bottom lip before wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm sorry. I watched how hard you played, i wanted you to win," her voice filled with emotion.

"It's fine," after a moment while casting his eyes away. " Can we just go now?" His tone distant as he watched the team move outside.

Stepping away from her brother giving him a small nod, "yeah okay."

Trailing behind the team keeping her head down as they filed onto the bus hoping not to interact with anyone. Climbing into the vehicle she felt the tensions between the freak quick duo, shrugging it off as she dropped into the seat next to Shimizu knowing it would be a quiet ride home. Playing with the strap of her bag trying to keep a lid on her emotions that were running all over the place.

Stepping off the bus as they arrived back at school, the team headed towards the gym while (f/n) took her leave. Heading home to go over the images from the day.

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