Chapter 19

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Takeda-sensei motioned for everyone to take a seat on the floor as he pulled out his note pad. Taking a seat on the floor behind the group she waited to hear what the teacher had to say.

Clearing his throat, "in regard to the training camp, we are planning to have the camp next month. the school has given its consent for you to all participate and we just need your parent's permission. I will hand out the paperwork a little later." Watching the team smile and nod before continuing to a more serious matter, "however as you are aware you have exams starting in a month."

The moment to words escaped his mouth (f/n) noticed a select few members flinch then freeze up. The silence in the room became deafening as all eyes turned to the members in the front row.

"Right?" sensei questioned the four students who were the most eager to go. They all turned away as he questioned them, not getting a response from them he continued, "so, i think you know what I'm getting at."

Everyone watched as Tanka, Yuu, Hinata and Kageyama all began shaking in fear as their teacher continued. "If you fail any subjects supplementary classes will be held that weekend," lifting his head with the utmost dead serious expression, "which means you won't be able to go to the away games."

(F/n) suppressed a chuckle as she angled her camera to get a better image the volleyball club adviser. Preparing herself for shit to hit the fan she stood up with her camera positioned and ready, waiting.

It happened in a split second, the two first years and the two seconds years let out a cry as tears streamed down their faces. Before (F/n) knew it Tanaka and Yuu tried to make a run for it, capturing the image as they tried to escape before turning the camera to Daichi.

"Hey! There's nowhere to run!" he sweat dropped as he called out to them. "Ennoshita, grab them!" requesting the help from the second year.

Capturing the moment, the future captain intercepted the duo, who managed to restrain them before they could dart off. Spinning on her heels hearing the ball of sunshine freaking out.

"Fail... Fail... what counts as a failing grade?" his voice higher than usual as he panicked with his arms out begging for answers.

Sugawara was left gob smacked only to reply, "that's your first question?"

Making sure to get both of their expression together and alone. Hearing the statement "Kageyama isn't breathing!" she spun around spotting an extremely pale blueberry who had given up hope next to a freaked out greenette. Snapping a couple of photos, she couldn't help but be thankful to the volleyball club for being so overly expressive.

Trying her best to ignore Sugawara as he explained, how if they are doing club activities, they need to at least make decent grades while capturing Ennoshita dragging the two seconds years back. Smirking as she got a photo of Tsukishima devilishly smiling down at them with his hands stuffed his pockets, she knew he wouldn't have any trouble with the exams.

A chuckle escaped her lips the moment she turned back and saw Hinata begging Takeda-sensei, "maybe if we beg the vice principal..." only for Tsukishima to casually reply, "why don't you try really hard and not fail the exam?"

The moment she saw the defeated expression of the club adviser through the camera she had to quickly snap a photo before turning to cover her laugh with a cough. Taking a deep breath, she turned back to see Hinata's mind crumbling at the possibility of not going to the training camp. Keeping her eyes on the ginger she couldn't contain herself as he ran up to the coach gripping his arms.

Noticing how uncomfortable the middle age man appeared she moved forward to get a better image of the sweat running down his temple while advising Hinata, "w-well, this isn't something you're gonna to be able to avoid as student."

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