Chapter 11

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Makeovers, they were supposed to encourage a new look symbolizing a new 'you'. It all revolved around how the change on the outside could bring forth something amazing that would somehow seep its way inside and morph that person into what they wanted. Well, that's how most people treated makeovers.

Two hours had passed since Airia started working on (f/n). When she finally finished working on her friend and put down her tools instantly knowing she had outdone herself. The brunette looked gorgeous as her face was done to perfection, Airia could only smile proudly at her handy work. Moving onto her pixie cut hair scrunching her brow that not much could be done due to the length pursing her lips together and just resigning to add a wave to it.

Airia tried to work out an outfit for (f/n) but was stopped by the now gorgeous teen who was quick to pull out her favourite black skinny jeans and a light grey long, sleeved knitted top with a scooped neckline. (f/n) then pulled on her black converse while Airia dazzled herself up so they could leave.

Airia knew her bestie was hurting right now and probably didn't know what to do with herself after everything so taking her mind off things would help. The party she was taking (f/n) to was going to be huge compared to the last one. Which to Airia meant one thing heaps of distractions for (f/n) and booze, lots of booze. She wanted nothing more for her friend to unwind and enjoy herself maybe even forget about all the shit that was going on in her head.

Both girls were ready to party as they made their way towards the large house. (f/n) could see people had started to spill out onto the front lawn. If this was any indication of the party size she knew tonight was going to be one thing ... loud. Making their way through the house heading towards the back where it opened up to the backyard. Spotting the alcohol station they both garbed something and started chatting to a few other people floating around. 

The brunette had noticed a few familiar faces in the crowd, taking a better look around noticing that a large number of people were volleyball players from a range of schools. Nodding her head at people she had met previously while slowly heading towards a quieter area where the music wasn't burst-your-eardrums loud. When she finally made her way to the backyard (f/n) looked back only to realize Airia had vanished. Releasing an annoyed sigh through her nose knowing her bestie got easily distracted. Doubling back in an attempt to try and find her not wanting the same thing to happen as last time. Walking through the house, squeezing between people while keeping an eye out for the female, only to be abruptly pulled to the side.

Sending the person a glare only realized it was Airia, "where did you disappear too?"

Completely ignoring her question, "(f/n) do you remember Kuroo and Bokuto from the last time you tagged along with me?"

Looking at the two guys, "yeah, i remember them from last time. Why?" Completely oblivious to what her friend was trying to do.

Kuroo leaned forward with a loop sided smirk, "so what's a baby crow doing without her flock?"

Looking up at Kuroo with a fake smile, "it's not a flock its a murder and maybe this baby crow is over being a crow."

Bokuto wrapped his arm around Kuroo's shoulder, "hey, hey, maybe she wants to spread her wings and fly away."

Airia protectively wrapped her arm around (f/n), "my (f/n) isn't flying anywhere, we have to stick together."

(f/n) could smell the alcohol on Airia's breath as she tried to shrug her arms off. Quickly gulping down her drink, "maybe i don't want to be anywhere apart from getting a new drink so yeah i'll be back," turning to leave the group, "or not."

Heading to where everyone had gathered around, the alcohol station, the short hair teen quickly pushed her way through to find the poison of choice. looking at all the glass bottles she was debating going for something stronger if she was going to keep talking to Kuroo and Bokuto. Shrugging her shoulders she grabbed a mixed drink and started making her way through to somewhere she could hear herself think. Making her way to the backyard once again only to be surprised at how many people had made their way out there. Soaking in the atmosphere she noticed people were floating around with swimming costumes, walking further into the yard her eyes landed on a large swimming pool. Detouring around the people jumping into the water trying to find a quiet place near the back of the yard. Plopping herself down on a garden chair being content just to watch people. Her thoughts were abruptly broken by a childish voice.

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