Chapter 21

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A week had gone past since the third year had spoken to Saeko about that night at the party. She had been trying to build up the courage to go out and buy a test after school but chickened out of the actual idea. It was Friday after school when she scolded herself for being a coward. Mentally pulling up her big girl panties, she decided to do as the blonde instructed, buy a test from a neighbouring town. Since she didn't have to take photos or a cub meeting, she had a free afternoon to get it done where no one would question her absence.

Stepping onto the bus, her eyes darted around to make sure no one she knew had gotten on. Letting out a sigh of relief, the teen checked her phone trying to work out where she was going. She knew she was going out of her way to get a test, but she couldn't imagine buying it from her local store that coach Ukai's family owned. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of being served by the middle-aged man. It took ten minutes on the bus till she got off, checking the street signs around her, comparing them to her phone quickly working out the direction she needed to head in.

Arriving at the store, she cringed at the sound of the high pitched door chime ringing out through the shop, alerting everyone. Well more like three people, including the person on the register, she was there. Heading towards the feminine hygiene section, she could feel her heartbeat pounding away in her ears and the sweat building up on the back of her neck. Her teeth attacked her bottom lip as she stood to the side, trying to work out which carton to buy. There were more options than she was expecting, all the boxes promising fast results in a matter of minutes.

Panic shot through the teen, spotting someone stroll into the aisle. Her eyes darted to the boxes, quickly grabbing a pink box before rushing away. Scrambling through the confectionary section, grabbing a few jumbo bags of chocolate before mentally preparing herself. Approaching the counter immediately noticing the older lady with a gentle smile. Offering her a weak one as she dropped her few items next to the register.

The lady at the register was surprised to see the carton on the counter but kept her face neutral as she rang up the items and placed them in a bag. Letting the nervous teen in front of her know the price, she couldn't help but offer but try to reassure her, "I hope everything turns out alright."

Stifling at the kind ladies words, she mumbled a quick thanks before taking the bag and exiting the shop. Walking down the footpath, the bag felt like a shining beacon drawing peoples attention when in reality, there was barely anyone around that afternoon. Arriving at the bus stop, she stood there waiting for the bus to arrive.

It had only been a few minutes since she'd arrived when the sound of voices could be heard coming from a side street across the road. Keeping her head down and trying not to be noticed as one of the voices sounded oddly familiar.

Stepping out of the side street, the four third years from Aoba Johsai's volleyball club were talking about pointless things between themselves.

"Are you prepared for the English exam?" Hanamaki questioned the other three.

Iwaizumi just shook his head as he listened to Oikawa tell everyone he'd be getting a perfect score. Following the others with his hands stuffed in his pants when something across the road caught his eye. Abruptly stopping in the centre of the footpath, causing the other to look back at him curiously.

"What's the matter, Iwa-chan?" his captain turned to him but immediately noticed he was staring at something across the street. "What are you looking at?"

The three of them turned to see a short female wearing the Karasuno uniform. The brunette was the first to do anything by calling out to her, "(F/n)-chan?!"

The volleyball players watched her flinch before lifting her head nervously and offering them a weak smile.

"(F/n)-chan, what are you doing out this way?" casually strolling across the road towards the female.

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