Chapter 20

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The week had flown by in the blink of an eye, the majority of students were focusing on the upcoming exams including (F/n). She had tried studying with Airia a few times, but her best friend wanted to gossip about guys and girls from other schools. Deciding to study alone Saturday was the safer option than studying with her friend.

After spending the most of the day locked in her room bent over worksheets and textbooks, the teen's mind couldn't take any more information. Pushing herself back from the desk, she stood up and stretched her back out. Letting out a satisfied hum at the sound of cracking and popping.

Stepping out of her room, she headed down to the kitchen, the first thing she noticed when she entered the room was her mother getting things ready for dinner. Scrunching her brow at the sight she wasn't used to seeing, "hey mum you're home early."

Lifting her golden eyes from her task she hummed, "not really. You've just been in your room all day."

Pursing her lips as she turned to the clock, "it's that late already?"

Nodding her head, "can you please fetch your brother dinner will be ready soon."

Sighing out she knew he'd probably lost track of time or gotten distracted, "sure I'll be back shortly."

Heading back to her room to change, giving herself a once over in the mirror. Grimacing at the sight of the dark bags under her eyes, oily skin and messy hair. letting out a defeated sigh she headed to the bathroom to wash her face before attempting to tame her hair.

Letting out a loud yawn while pulling on her shoes and jacket, she couldn't help rubbing her eyes as the throbbing of a headache slowly taking shape. Rolling her neck, she chalked it up to lack of water and sitting bent over books all day. Locking the door behind her before taking off in the direction of Tanaka's house.

It wasn't long till she arrived at her destination, a smile crept onto her lips noticing a familiar car parked in the driveway. Knocking on the front door before rubbing the side of her head as it painfully throbbed making the teen feel dizzy. Suddenly the door swung open making (F/n) jump completely forgetting someone was supposed to answer the door.

Saeko yanked the door open thinking it was going to be someone from college. Spotting the very familiar emerald eyed female in front of her looking unwell she frowned in concern, "(f/n)?"

"hi," offering a timid hello before her eyes widen, "sorry. I'm just here to get Yuu."

Grabbing the teen by the arm and pulling her inside before shutting the door behind them. Dragging her into the lounge room she eyed her skeptically, "you feeling okay?"

Nodding her head, "just a headache from studying too hard."

Laughing at the statement, "I expect that from Yuu and Ryo but not you!"

Rubbing the back of her neck, "they only expect high standards when you're in a college prep class."

The blonde tilted her head in surprise, "that's right you're a third year now!" Leaning forward and whispering, "I've heard you've turned into a little party animal?"

Shaking her hands in front of her, "what!? Where'd you hear that?"

A smirk crept onto her face ignoring the question, "so what has my little kohai been up too?" Quickly wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "and where have you been going cause there are never any good parties in this area?"

Not even bothering to fight the blonde she sighed, "Tokyo..."

Smirking as she hummed, "that's where all the good parties are!" Tapping her chin as she eyes the third year who was visibly paling, "so what have you been doing at these parties?"

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