Chapter 2

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Waking up to the sound of her alarm clock going off (f/n) was starting the day like any other. Following the same routine as always; shower, get dressed, eat breakfast then leave for school with Yuu yelling about not waking him up earlier.

Her school routine, even though starting as a third-year was tedious and repetitive. Classes were slightly harder but still lacked a spark to pull her interests, leaving her mind to wander about. The highlight of the school apart from club activities was lunch. Majority of the time (f/n) would sit with Sugawara and Daichi and on the odd occasion sit with Airia on the roof. Most lunches (f/n) would read for a bit while eating before spending the rest of the time talking.

Today was no different, (f/n) was listening to Sugawara and Daichi explain how much trouble two first years had caused with the vice principal. Daichi went on about giving them a chance with a three on three match on the weekend coming and how he had set up all these terms. To (f/n), it just sounded like he was going to have his hands full for the rest of the year. Chuckling at the thought of Daichi and Sugawara trying to keep these first years under control, they would be like the mum and dad of the team.

Standing as the bell rang out, the group walked back to class together. (f/n) pulled Sugawara closer so no prying ears could hear, "you have Friday off training right?"

Nodding his head as they arrived at the classroom, "We have Friday afternoons off. Why?"

Smiling as she took her seat, getting cut off as the teacher walked in so Sugawara never got his answer. (f/n) thought about Friday after school, she wanted the grey haired setter to come over but realised that Yuu would probably bug him heaps seeing he was home most afternoons at the moment. So (f/n) would just ask if she could go back to his place for a bit knowing they could be left alone before his mother came home from work.

Finishing class for the day, (f/n) approached the setter, "so Friday after school."

Tapping his chin, "what about Friday?"

"I was thinking," placing her hand on his chest but before she could say anything Daichi called out for Sugawara to hurry up. dropping her head in defeat patting her boyfriend's shoulder, "we'll talk later okay."

Walking out of the classroom they parted ways, (f/n) heading towards the art rooms for art club while the boys headed towards the gym for volleyball. Walking into the club, (f/n) gave her sensei a quick hello before taking a seat with the other members before starting to work on this terms project idea. Trying to figure out what she wanted to work with, she couldn't decide between doing a sculpture or something in photography because she couldn't draw or paint to save herself. Still undecided she decided to brainstorm different concepts, most people were doing stuff the "what matters most" or something cheesy but (f/n) wanted to do something that would blow people's minds. Trying to work on an idea the entire time, all she ended up with is a super headache that would require loads of chocolate.

When the club was over for the day, (f/n) hadn't made any progress, huffing as she packed up her notebook knowing that more brainstorming would be needed. Rubbing her temples while trudging over the boy's gym to see if they were done with the practice for the day. Getting closer the teen could clearly hear the sounds of sneakers squeaking against the polished floor. Slipping into the gym as quietly as possible she made her way over to Kiyoko who was sitting on the bench.

The moment the raven hair beauty smiled and (f/n) smiled back was the moment everyone noticed her arrival. Giving a quick wave to the team not wanting to interrupt she would wait until practice was over to bug them. From her position on the bench she had a good view of Suga training, watching as he moved around the court. Seeing him like this had her mind thinking all kinds of things until Kiyoko popped her bubble.

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