Chapter 4

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Sleep, how (f/n) wished for more of it. She was awoken after a few short hours by her adorable *cough* brother and his delightful *cough, cough* friend. They were up and about making a horrendous amount of noise that woke the third year from her slumber.

Both Tanka and Yuu were sealing their own fate by waking her up.

Rubbing her eyes and checking the time, peering at the phone screen to see how little sleep she actually had. Groaning and realizing it had been less than three hours since her head had touched the pillow. (f/n) knew coffee wasn't even going to cut it today. \

Stumbling out of bed and roughly pulling on an overly large band shirt before making her way out of the room. Heading towards Yuu's room where the door was open and the combined noise of the game along with the duo was head-splitting.

Calmly as possible (f/n) walked into the room, eyeing off the pair. "can you please be quiet," her voice dry and scratchy from just being woken up.

Both boys looked up to see (f/n) with a deadly calm aura around her. Flinching at her current appearance; makeup grossly smudged while the dark bags under her eyes and birds nest of hair making it evident that she needed a shower and more sleep. The game controllers left forgotten on the floor as the pair just stare at the mess that was (f/n).

Yuu was the first to recover, jumping up from his place on the floor hands out to calm his pissed of sister. "we didn't know you were home," taking a step forward as if she would bite without a second thought, "we'll be quieter promise."

Tanka quickly stood from his spot bowing his head asking for forgiveness, "Please forgive us!"

Taken back a bit by how quick they were to apologize. (f/n) breathed out loudly to calm herself down a fraction. "alright, good," rubbing her aching forehead before walking away the human alarm clock.

(f/n) looked at her bed stepping into her room knowing there was no point in going back to sleep. Grumbling away as she showered and dressed for the day filled with school work. Checking her phone noticing a message from Koushi earlier in the day asking about the party. Ignoring the message knowing she would just tell him about it at school on Monday.

Monday morning eventually came around. Walking with Yuu to school while nodding her head as she listened to him babble on and on about stuff. Yuu suddenly came to a stop expecting an answer out of (f/n).

Looking back at her younger brother clueless as to what she'd been asked, "What?"

"I asked you if you would record the practice match tomorrow?" looking disappointed that she wasn't listening in the first place.

"Have you checked with the team that I can even go?" answering with another question to catch him off guard.

Looking around avoiding eye contact, "I was hoping you could ask Daichi in class today."

Cursing at her brother for knowing that she would see both Sugawara and Daichi in a few minutes, "I can ask for you Yuu but I don't know what Daichi will say about me going to a practice match."

"Thank you (f/n)! and don't worry they will take you 'cause Suga will want you there to support him," finishing with a cheeky grin.

Walking away from Yuu heading towards the third year section on the lookout for Koushi or Daichi. Dumping her school bag at her desk noticing Koushi and Daichi talking a little further down the hall. Making her way with a small smile , "hey guys, get up to anything exciting on the weekend?"

Sugawara gave (f/n) a warm smile before pulling the female into a quick hug kissing her cheek at the same time. Looking down and chuckling noticing the dusting of pink across his girlfriends face, "It was good, my grandparents say hello."

Daichi gave a small wave and a smile for a greeting, "I just did some stuff around the house Saturday."

Sugawara smiled down at (f/n), "Daichi and I worked on strategies for tomorrow's game on Sunday. I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out with us but you never got back to me," finishing with a disheartened look on his face.

Feeling guilty for ignoring his message, trying to explain what happen, "I'm sorry for not getting back to you. I got in early Sunday morning and tried to catch up on sleep which was nearly impossible with Yuu and Tanka in the house."

Rubbing her back in a comforting way, "it's okay, you would have been bored anyway ."

"So how was the party seeing as how you didn't get in till early Sunday morning?" Daichi queried.

Looking at the captain, "the party was pretty low key. I meet some interesting people, I lost Airia half way through the night then just got over it and wanted to come home so I got a cab back." They both understood where she was coming from as they nodded their heads. "I should probably check in with her since I left her behind," glancing around hoping she would just magically appear.

"I don't think we have seen her yet," Daichi commented.

"oh okay I will look for her in a few minutes then," scratching her cheek wondering where she could be hiding this early.

"So (f/n), I don't know when we'll be back tomorrow after our practice game so I won't be able to walk you home tomorrow," Sugawara interrupted her thoughts.

"That's okay," looking at the boys. "I wanted to ask about the practice match though."

Both nodding encouraging the emerald eyed female to go on.

"Yuu asked if someone could record the game so he can see what he's missing," she clumsily ask fully expecting them to turn down the idea.

"That would be a great idea but Shimizu will be busy with manager stuff so I don't know who will be able to record." Daichi's train of thought could clearly be seen on face knowing it would be a good idea.

"Hmm, that would be good to be able to review plays and collect data on the other team. It's a shame Shimizu will be to busy to do it." Suga thought out loud. A lightbulb went off in his mind, "Daichi would it be okay for (f/n) to come and record the game for us?" looking hopefully at Daichi.

"it all depends on (f/n)," both guys look down at the short female. "what do you say, would you help the club out and record the game?"

Looking at both of them with a straight face before breaking into a smile, "I would say, what time is the bus leaving."

Daichi and Sugawara smiled excitedly while (f/n) could feel the pull of the volleyball dragging her back.

Rubbing the back of her neck knowing tomorrow was going to be interesting.

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