Part 1

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Setting: It's a quiet night. Many skyscrapers reach to the sky. In between them smaller shops and homes lay, some with dim lights still on. Izuku Midoriya, the solo vigilante known as Black Fox, sits atop one of the higher skyscrapers' railings, sipping from a water bottle. He's in his vigilante costume, which consists mostly of black with green highlights. A black fox mask with more green markings fit around his face comfortably with enough room to breathe. His eyes and face were hidden, and his fluffy green hair was hidden suitably by his dark hoodie. So, his identity was relatively safe from prying eyes in the dark.



Izuku swung his feet off the side of the giant skyscrapers as if there weren't thousands of feet between him and the hard pavement. The water he drank was cold and metallic tasting due to his steel water bottle.

'Why are there no villains out on the one night when I'm not on the run from those pesky heroes?'

He sighed and clipped his water bottle back onto his belt before standing up and stretching his back. A satisfying pop came from it, and the long breath that followed rattled his mask a bit. He checked that the straps were tight before taking a flying leap from one building to another, slowly making his way back towards where he made his home.

His thoughts wandered as he traveled his well-worn path through the city. 'I wonder what would have happened if people weren't born with quirks? How would technology advance? How would life be different?'

Izuku's thoughts were pulled back to reality when a scream rang through the air. He followed the sound on silent feet to a back alley. There he saw four grown men surrounding a woman with a ripped dress laying in the dirt.

Izuku dropped off the small building he had assessed the scene from. He allowed his feet to give an audible thump when they hit the ground. He stood up straight. "Hello, gentlemen."

One of them turned slightly to glare at him out of the corner of his eye but quickly turned and stumbled back when he recognized the neon green highlights and clean white mask. "B-Black Fox!"

The rest of his comrades turned to him, weapons at the ready. "Scram, vigilante!" One of them yelled. "There is no way you can beat all of us!"

Izuku tapped a finger against his arm. "Hm. I would love to not fight you. If you let this woman go and I never see you again, maybe I will let you go! Nobody has to fight, you don't get hurt and I don't waste any energy. Win-win!"

All four of the men stared at him incredulously. One, then all, burst out laughing. Izuku sighed. "Just as I thought. Very well then."

The men stopped laughing abruptly as one of them fell, unconscious, at their feet.


"H-he moved so fast! That's crazy!"

Izuku turned back around. "Wanna try again?"

One of the men suddenly rushed him, pulling a dagger from who-knows-where. The other men followed suit, drawing their weapons.

To Izuku, their movements seemed slow, almost sluggish. As they approached he spotted the woman getting up and running away. He let out an impatient sigh before rushing to meet the attacking men. He ducked under the first's arm, giving him a little push to overbalance him. He fell with a shriek, dropping his weapon. The next came in with a downward slash, which was easily avoided. Izuku drew one of his own daggers, swiftly whacking the second man in the back of the head, just hard enough to knock him out. The third man brought his arm up with a pistol firmly gripped in it. Izuku ducked and rolled forward, the man's bullets going over his head and landing in the stone wall behind the vigilante. A hard punch to the chin knocked the man unconscious, leaving only the first.

Izuku turned to face him. The man was trembling, back to the bricks behind him. "So. Still wanna fight?" Izuku's voice held a small sneer. The man shook, slipping his hand into his pocket. Out of it came the smallest pisto Izuku had ever seen, Far smaller than the one the third villain held in his unconscious fingers.

It went off with a bang. Heat seared through Izuku's right side. He dashed forward, and a well-placed blow to the man's temple left him unconscious.

Izuku drew a deep breath, putting his hand to the wetness he felt on his side. His hand came away wet and sticky with dark red liquid. 'Damn. He got me good. Nothing a few bandages and some time off won't fix though. Lucky for me it's a grazing wound, despite how badly it hurts. The bullet doesn't seem to have stuck either. Lucky me, heh.'

He sighed. 'With how loud that scream was the heroes will be here any minute.' He pulled a length of rope from one of his belt pouches and quickly tied up the unconscious villains. Pulling out a pen and paper, he wrote a quick letter for the heroes. Judging from the quick footsteps approaching it was none other than Eraserhead, the underground hero who worked as class 1-A's homeroom teacher at UA High. He dropped the note and dashed around the corner and into a branching alleyway as fast as his bleeding side would allow him to. With a sigh, he leaped up to the rooftop and began to make his way, albeit slowly, toward his home.


I ran with all I had towards the scream in the distance. I was quite far away so it took far longer than I would have liked. When I entered the scene I was not surprised to see a familiar black hood with neon green streaked throughout.

Black Fox, the most widely known vigilante, had beaten me to the scene again. He dropped what appeared to be a slip of paper next to the bound villains. He dashed off, but his gait seemed... different. 'How sad. I've been around this vigilante enough to recognize what his gait should look like.'

He seemed to be a bit slower than usual, and a slight limp was barely perceptible. Still, his footsteps were silent and he was still faster than any other vigilante I had ever come across. 'That's what makes him so hard to capture.'

When I reached the scene all four villains were tied up, and the woman whose voice I heard was nowhere to be found. A note laid on the ground next to the four men.

Hey, Eraserhead, you're late again. I got these villains for ya but one of em got me good. You can't rely on me for a few days, okay? Good luck. Oh and, go easy on these guys. Almost all of them are being paid, manipulated, or lost a loved one due to the misuse of quirks. They're not all bad.

-Black Fox

I heaved a sigh. 'That idiot... If you're gonna be a vigilante at least act your age.' Still, I couldn't deny the pit of worry forming in my stomach. 'I was right. He was wounded. Pretty bad from the looks of it too. A few days won't be enough for that to heal.' With another sigh, I dialed the police and gave them the location of the four tied-up villains.


'Note to self, always take out the guys with guns first.' I drew a hitched breath and kept running. 'I'm not in any position to be jumping on buildings and it would just make me all the more obvious to any heroes patrolling.' I continued to jog along alleyways, ignoring the bleeding on my side.


Finally, the abandoned building I called "home" loomed above me, shattered windows and broken walls in all their glory. 'Haha... my standards have really dropped since I was a kid, huh? To call this place my home...

'Well, beggars can't be choosers. And if I'm not a beggar, nobody is.'

Black Fox (Vigilante Deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now