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I never imagined the idea of you leaving me. In all honesty, if anyone was to leave, I thought it would of been me. You know that I'm the type of person to leave the ones I care about, but here we are... I stayed by your side. I just didn't envision you to leave me  so quickly.

Although, I may not be able to see you anymore, and that I cannot feel you anymore, I know you're there. It's like the idea of a sphere shaped earth, you don't need to see it to believe it exists. Sorry babe, am I being corny now?

But on serious note, I swear to god, if I were to of known that, that plane was to crash I would of never let you get on it. But I'm no mind reader, and babygirl.. and I wish that I was.

I miss you with all of my heart,
You are still my love Aaliyah.

- your white boy


"I sometimes think to myself, if I had played my cards differently in my earlier life, would I still be around to tell the tale today?"


"Look at this place, you two! Didn't I tell you that it was going to be great?" Aaliyah's mother exclaimed, to her and her brother, as she admired the urban scenery of Detroit.

Their new house in Detroit was definitely much nicer then their previous home in Brooklyn. This place was a bit bigger, and seemed to be in a relatively safer neighbourhood then before. It didn't appear that there was a lingering smell of weed outside, which was another bonus.

Her mother, reached into the front pocket of her denim blue jeans and retrieved the keys to the front door. Thankfully, the door easily opened, and they were able to quickly get inside, away from the freezing cold Michigan weather.

Although, the place was still empty of furniture and in need of a serious renovation, it still looked surprisingly pleasant. "I'm getting the biggest room!" Aaliyah exclaimed, running upstairs, her brother clambering after her.

Aaliyah ran into the biggest bedroom, blocking any entrance for her brother. "This is my room now, you can have the tiny one Rashad." She laughed, closing the wooden bedroom door in his face.

She then rushed over towards the bedroom window. This room was very different to her previous bedroom in Brooklyn and in more then one way. For example, this window had a window seat, something that would of been impossible back in Brooklyn.

Grinning, she decided to sit on it and gaze out of the window for a short while. She could see her mother and father, still unloading things out of the car from below.

Aaliyah giggled, noticing her brother, had just walked out of the house. Even from here, Aaliyah could see the angry expression on the twelve year olds face. He was almost three years older then her, he really needed to get a grip.

"Aaliyah!" She rolled her eyes, as she could hear her fathers loud booming voice, surely she wasn't going to be told off for something stupid like this. Slowly, she trudged downstairs and out of the front door, her parents were still standing in front of the car passing Rashad's suitcase to him.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now