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I've realized that my heart fills with joy whenever I stay at Blake's place. Not only me but also my baby.

So I guess I have my mother to thank for that.

But despite of how much I want to stay at his place, I have my sister to look after now. After what I saw at the hospital on that day, I realized that I need to take on the sister role more seriously. Especially because she's my twin. So I've managed to take some time to visit her and make her some lunch whenever I'm not working.

In these last few days, I've felt like my baby's movements seem more like wiggles as he gets bigger. Another pain that has shot up in there for me is the jabs he gives my ribs. Oh do those hurt.

But I've managed to relieve my pain with just a small rub, or a small touch, or even I sometimes tell him to take it easy. Of course while giving him a loving rub so he doesn't feel like I don't like this. I love feeling these new movements he shows me and I've gotten to wonder that maybe he will be a dancer in the future...

But going back to my sister, I've visited her every other day I can and when she's free. At first, she was surprised by my visit. But she's gotten used to my visits and has started to enjoy my company. There's days when I take her the lunches I make or there's days when she invites me to the cafeteria and we eat there.

Because I have a little man that constantly grows within me, I've started to cook more often knowing that this energetic young man will eventually come out with the same appetite. So I also use Amy to practice for the lifetime I have with my son.

"Has Blake been teaching you stuff?" Amy always says to me with a teasing smile. I always laugh loudly at this. Though she's right. He has.

Today, I meet up with my sister at the cafeteria like always. She seems to have been caught up with something so I find myself waiting at a far table. I take the cushioned side of the bench and text my sister that I'm here.

She at least saw the text. Luckily, I did have a snack a little while before I got here so my little boy is chilling in there.

I watch as people in scrubs pass by in the cafeteria. I recognize a group of nurses eat at a table from the facility. They barely even eat as they seem to talk about their days and patients. They seem to all have a good relationship with each other as they laugh together. One of the nurses is Ms. Tavares's nurse. She recognizes me when she gets up to leave and gives me her quiet smile.

Then there are the people in white lab coats. Some are so concentrated in their folders that they get only a munch or two before walking out. I can imagine my sister like that. And this is why I'm here. To remind her that if she wants to cure her patients, she has to stay healthy first.

He gives me a strong jab in the ribs and I know he must be really bored in there. I look down at my belly and say, "Ow? What was that for, kiddo?" He gives me a strong kick that I can see clearly from the outside. I rub at this part and he quickly starts his donkey kicks like Blake calls it.

"Mmm. Are we a little playful today?" My belly does it's abrupt jerking movements and I do a soft chuckle. I lightly push on my belly and he quickly moves to the other side making my belly move. I giggle at this and poke to where my belly is lifted up a bit and he quickly makes another jerking movement. I tenderly rub all over my belly as my belly starts to move from side to side at his excited kicks and jerks. It feels like we're playing tag...

"If you weren't pregnant, I'd think you're crazy."

I look up with a smile to see my sister sitting across from me now. I do a small chuckle as I leave my hand at the front of my belly where my crazy little boy is kicking at playfully.

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