Chapter 1

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A/N: Music is totally optional. 🙃 Enjoy!
Derek's POV:
I hit the gas as fast as possible. I want to get out of here. My car rides smoothly through the streets of New York despite the heavy rain. Tears stream down my face as I grab my phone from the passenger seat. It buzzes in my hands.

"Hello?" I ask still upset.
"Hey Derek, it's Richard." He says.
"Richard, how are you?" I ask.
"Good, how are you?" He asks.
"I'm fine." I answer, tears still streaming down my face.
"I called because SGH has a position open for head of neurosurgery. You are one of the best and-" He says.
"Richard, I'll be there in 48 hours." I say quickly.
I am thankful that I have a reason to get out of here.
"You will? Derek, you have never agreed to something so fast. What's wrong?" He asks again.
"Addison cheated on me with Finn." I say my brothers name through gritted teeth.
"Oh, that's horrible. Do you need a place to stay?" He asked.
"No, I'm already looking at places, I say scrolling through my phone, while watching the road simultaneously.
"Okay. You start Monday. Derek, stay safe." He says.
"I'll see you soon Richard." I say, hanging up the phone.

I click on a plot of land by a small river. It's beautiful because there is a cliff above it. My house could be up there. I could see a lot of the town in the picture. Looking back up to the road, I take a left turn to leave New York. I press the call button on the previous owner.

"Hello?" A man asked.
"Yes, hello. This is Dr. Derek Shepherd calling from New York. I see that you are selling a plot of land. I was hoping to buy it from you." I say as I enter Pennsylvania.
"Oh. Yes. Hello, thank you for calling. My name is Mark Sloan. Wow, New York that is far away." He says.
"I'm in Pennsylvania now. I was wondering how much money it costs." I say annoyed.
"Yes, well the plot of land costs $62,500 and trailer that comes with it cost $1,500 so in total $64,000." He says.
I am surprised by the number greatly.
"How many acres and I am buying?" I ask into the phone.
"5. The plot is around the size of 4 and a half football fields if you need a comparison." He says.
"No, thank you so much. How soon can I buy it?" I ask.
This much land would have cost a fortune in New York. I smiled at the thought of having so much space to myself. Being one of the best neurosurgeons in the world has its perks, like making $5 million a year.
"As soon as you get here, if you are not too tired." He says.
"Sounds great. I will see you there in 40 hours. I look forward to seeing you." I say.
"Pleasure doing business with you, Dr. Shepherd. I will text you the address to this number." He says, hanging up.

I let my body succumb to the pain of being cheated on. I look around and don't see a single car on the road and smile lightly. Pushing the gas, I let the hood of the car retract. The car zooms forwards, letting wind whip through my hair. Addison never let me do this. 'It's too dangerous.' She would say. She never trusted me with anything. I knew it and she knew it. I don't know where all the love went. We were college sweethearts. We got married in our first year of residency and we're in love. The first few years were great. We were 'Derek and Addison; The Perfect Couple' or 'the longest couple' at a party. Then everything started going downhill. All of a sudden we were arguing on everything. She told me she wasn't ready for kids yet though we had been married for 7 years. I couldn't push her but we still had fights over the matter. She felt that she knew what was best for me and I didn't. My feelings were always neglected. Now this? No matter how many times, I had imagined my future with her in the past, it never had come remotely close to this. Finding my own brother, my best friend in bed with my wife. It was worse that we were twins. I reminisced of the day when were younger, switching places. The one time, I got the girl. The one time. He had to steal it from me!

Finn's POV:
"Derek wait!" Addie yells as Derek grabs his clothes.
"No. I'm leaving." He says shutting the door rolling out the bark blue suitcase.
She opens the door and tries to run to him. I grab her and pull her out of the rain. She fights me, crying but I hold her close and pull her inside the house. She shook from the rain as I picked her up and walked her inside.
"Addie." I say softly.
She let me hug her and cried into my shoulders. I was upset. I knew it was wrong to start something with my brothers wife and it hurt me. Derek was my best friend and now he would probably never talk to me again.
"Addie. Please. You are shivering. You are going to get hypothermia. Let's go take a hot shower." I say.

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