Chapter 1 Long Distance Friendship

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The curtains moved slightly in the wind of the open window as the sun was sinking slowly into the horizon, its last rays covering the sides of the buildings and trees. A phone lay forgotten on the bed, its owner sitting deep in thought on his gaming chair, staring into space...

A long-time friend, concerned about the other...

Pushed-away feelings...

What was wrong?

Why was he sad?

And... who was this "he"?

I have never really thought about it... Mega never talked. I mean he did, but rarely. Why did I just realize that? We have been friends for a long time now, but I don't hear his voice often.

I put my hands behind my head and stared at my ceiling.

This was a very concerning thought.

'What happened to Mega? Why didn't he talk?'

Those were all the questions I didn't have an answer for, despite knowing Mega pretty well and for a long time.

'He wasn't fully a mute... did he have selective mutism?'

'But did he?'

'His voice was so cute...'

'No Jacob. This is not the time. You have to go to sleep. You haven't slept last night, and you need to sleep today.' I sighed. 'But didn't feel sleepy...'

I felt so lonely. I just wanted a hug. I didn't have real human interaction for suchhh a looongg timmeeee.

'Mega...' my thoughts led me back to him. 

'No, no, no.'

'He doesn't like you, Jacob.'

'He does not, so don't get your hopes up.'

I've really missed him, since the time he moved away.

The ceiling was dusty.

I sighed again and turned over to my side facing the door now.

The room was dark and quiet except for my pc making gentle humming noises.

I could hear cars outside, rushing somewhere.

My thoughts looped back to my friend again...

'I was his friend, why was he so scared to talk to me?'

'What did I do?'

'What did he do?'

My troubling thoughts slowly disappeared and faded, and I drifted off to an uneasy sleep.

mega pov

'I wonder what Zelkie is doing now...'

I was listening to music, and standing my watch on Zak's server. 

'It is late... should I go to bed?.. Nah, I'm too lazy. '

I knew I should sleep, but what can I say – my sleeping schedule was fucked up. Just like any other YouTuber. 

I was bored. 

'What should I do... '

'I could watch a movie... maybe a thriller?'

I liked scary movies. Anything else was too boring.

I needed something to spice up my sad life.

My thoughts carried me away.

'How is Zelkie doing right now?'

'I haven't talked to him in a while...'

'In fact, I very rarely talked to him... why didn't I talk?'

Well, I'm a very shy person with insecurities and I don't want any questions.

Oh yeah and also my childhood.

I started remembering things I wanted to forget.

That always happened.

We try to forget, only to later remember those things even more vividly.

'Back to Jacob... I think I should hang out with him more...'//

'We have been kind of distant lately.'


'All the good memories...'

I started remembering his cute laugh, his sarcastic jokes... I missed him.

I missed him.

'No Mega, not this again.'

I have already explained to myself over, and over. He. Does. Not. Like. You.


I banned someone in the heat of my anger.//

Now I have to unban them.

'Why is life so annoying?'

'You know they might have deserved it...'

I ended up unbanning the poor person and logging off.

I didn't really feel like watching a movie, so decided to write a poem.

Writing poems was one of my favourite things to do. 

I could write them about myself and no one would know. 

My poems were usually about my anxiety and depression.

I chewed on my pen thinking... after some time, I started writing.

My writing got faster and messier.

"My grave is this body,

I feel broken and dead."

...Mega stopped for a bit, deciding how to continue.

"My vision has gone,

I can't see one step ahead."

Mega wrote for hours and hours, listening to music.

That night he wrote many poems, many of which he related in many ways, both in his past and present.//

He ended up falling asleep, his head resting on his arms on his desk, his deep breathing undisturbed by his troubling thoughts.

That night both Zelk and Mega had dreams about each other.

<Word count 752>

Well, this is the first chapter... hope you enjoyed it!

My chapters do get longer, and more interesting:)

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