Trailer: In the high-stakes world of naval aviation, where adrenaline-soaked skies meet the cold reality of life and loss, comes a tale of redemption, love, and the unyielding strength of human spirit. This story follows the journey of Captain Azara 'Hellfire' Mitchell, the daughter Of the legendary Captain Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell. After a tragic accident, Azara's whole life falls apart; all her friends get deployed, she has PTSD, her boyfriend, Bradley Bradshaw leaves her. And she's held back from doing the thing she loves most by the aftermath of her accident. When the Dagger squad is called back for another dangerous mission that Azara has to teach; Will they all make it back? Will she fly again? And will lost lovers find their way back to each other? Follow Azara's journey as she battles not only the skies but the shattered fragments of her own past. Highest ranking: no. 1 in #bradleybradshawandreader.