Authors note

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Well hello to all of you, I'm so glad that you took out of your time to check my book, I finally understand that it's definitely not easy to be a writer. This is actually my first book or rather the first to escape my bin and that's because most of them felt to cheesy for my liking
Anyway enough of that, I hope you enjoy this book and don't forget that comments are always welcome

BUT!!!!- insults are not, I've read Wattpad for years now and realized that sometimes viewers can be quite negative to the writer and that my friend ain't cool

So please do vote and comment and feel free to point out any typo's, I double wrote each chapter to avoid any mistakes but I can't expect perfection

Anyway fam let's vote and comment, keep the story alive if you get what I'm saying 😘

I'm not the best cover maker and I'll appreciate if anyone could come up with cool cover ideas, the best will be used as the cover picture

Loads and loads and loads of kisses, enjoy the double hearted ride. awkward that was meant to ryhme but you get what I mean

So people tell your friends to tell their friends to tell their friends that a book has been born.
I love this book and if any flabbergasted chopstick is that even an insult? dares to steal it I will personally send Mona Lisa to whoop your ass with a frame.
A large painful frame😡 be warned

So without further ado lovelies enjoy the book

  Shout-out to @shewasborr for being my first comment.

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