Chapter 6

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    Picture of Nick above

    Sunday passed by in a blur and now it's Monday, Monday is such a torture stake cause I hate waking up on Mondays and classes seem to take forever

       I'm literally crying right now

     I get up and stretching my sore muscles, Sam licks my face wagging its tail seems like someone is happy this morning. I head to the toilet do my business and step out in a jumpsuit still with my moon pendant of course. shit I've got 20 minutes what have I been doing

        I rush downstairs and meet Amelia in the kitchen "thank goodness your up I made tortillas for breakfast hurry and eat up"

        "thanks you're a lifesaver" I said throwing some in my mouth.

         The boys aren't awake yet, which explains why the kitchen is empty we left some tortillas for them and rushed outside into my car speeding off to school. I'm sure they will miss the tardy bell, but then again they don't actually care. The hallways are quite empty this morning since we are 5 minutes early, most early students hang out by the garden at this time.

           First period is geography, I still don't know why I offer the subject but it boosts my grade so I'm not complaining.

         I take a seat at the middle my favorite spot with Amelia beside me as others start to flood in when the bell rings, halfway through the lesson the one and only annoying Mrs Rogers catches us talking then makes us switch seats.

   Amelia ends up beside Paisley a cheerleader while I'm beside Nick, Kieran's buddy. By the end of the lesson we are paired with our seat partner for some weird project on fully drawing out and labeling the geographical area of certain countries.

           Nick and I were given India, seems fun yay, note my sarcasm eyeroll.
           "so what do you say we do this afterschool" Nick turned to me

            "why not" I guessed he might want to do it off, though pretty and athletic he takes off assignments as soon as they come nerd much?

           "so where will you like, I don't have practice today so I'm free"

          "is Bella's cafe alright with you, I mean if you want to do it here in school that's alright or maybe you thought of the library even tho I can't guarantee I won't make noise or you may have wanted ......"

           "Bella's cafe it is" he smiled with a boyish grin cutting me off

        "right sorry" i spoke quietly slightly embarrassed

         "no need you're cute when you're talking" he smiled showing off his dimples

         did I ever tell you Nick is attractive

        not as attractive as Damon gosh he's so hot

       Wait what???

         "see you after school" I got up slinging my tote bag over my shoulder and shaking off my crazy thoughts

           "I'll drive" he winked leaving

      I walked outside joining Amelia "you and Nick are so cute I'm pretty sure your babies will have cute dimples that I'll poke all the time"

         "whose babies" Kim asked joining us

         "oh hey kimchi, Mel here is just being absurd cause I was talking to Nick"

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