Chapter 12

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"Dear God I don't wanna die yet" she cries out

    I'm speeding now to avoid the car "let me try parking by the side there if it will stop" I yell out to Amelia "I'm driving to fast for safety" I add

   "are you kidding me Mona Lisa's ghost could step out if we stop no way" she cries out with wide eyes

    I don't even recognize what side of town we are in right now, I've never been here "let's just try please"

   "okay okay I'm sorry I'm being dramatic"

   "I understand, no matter what happens you're my best friend forever okay"

   "don't you dare do that on me, no one is dying. now park" she glared at me

    I parked the car there's still a bit long distance between us and the car. "oh oh wrong move" I yell as I see it continue to speed toward us
    I start the car with a force that jerks us forward but right now it doesn't bother me I'm more of making it out alive.

    I've been speeding for some time still not knowing where I am when I spot another T-junction

left right left right

     Screw it left we go
   "who could possibly want to kill us" Amelia looks at me confused

   "I wish I knew" I say not taking my eyes of the road

   "oh dear I'm too young to die" Amelia sobs

   "no shit Sherlock, way to lighten the mood"

   "I'm trying here" she shouts "oh gosh I'm sorry I shouldn't be shouting right now after all I'm not behind the wheel"

    I turn to look and I see the car it's speeding impossibly fast and I guess it will soon catch up with us though it's far back

   Glancing around I notice it's a bit of a deserted road we're on I turn to Amelia "Mel do you trust me"


   Third person POV

       It's break back at Greenville, the boys are on the field, someone yells for their attention, even the coach turns "hey guys look at this" he plays a report on the news

      it has been reported that two cars were seen speeding down the highway and off the streets

     Passersby reveal a shocking information that the car doing the chasing has no driver, this seemed absurd at first but more reports came in claiming same.

    The driver of the second car infront has been reported to be daughter of business mogul Richard Kerrington who Is still being hunted down by the driverless car, minutes later the second person was identified as the daughter of the famous Defence Lawyer Kobi Brown.

   This leaves us wondering who could possibly want to kill those two

    Every single person on the field including Damon, Kieran, Kayden and friends not forgetting the coach is left open mouthed in shock
     The three boys have a similar feeling, one they aren't used to -FEAR


    "Of course I trust you" she says staring at me with a sad smile

    "unlock your door and on the count of two jump out" I say with a serious face, atleast then our chances of surviving are higher than being crushed by the pick up truck.

    "okay" she unlocks her door  "what of you"

    "I just did, get ready it's catching up with us" I say a silent prayer hoping this goes well




    We both jump out rolling to the sides of the road and at the same time the truck slams into our car as both explode pushing us further. I slam my head on the pavement as my body is thrown further away by the gas explosion.

    "Amelia" I call out trying to raise my body but failing

    "I'm here" she staggers toward me holding her arm "got a large scratch on my hand and leg but I'm fine"
    "oh my goodness" she gasps "you're bleeding seriously"

     "where" I ask confused, she's staring me crying "do you feel anything" she asks holding my hand. I'm hearing sirens now

    "well" I raise my hand to touch my head and I feel something sticky a lot of the substance and I stare at my hand

    "you're bleeding, a lot" she exclaims

   I laugh ouch that hurt "I see that"

    "Stay with me the ambulance is here" she stares at me tapping my face to keep me awake

    "oh please you're injured too stop acting like I'm about to die" i scoff "look at you're arm you're lucky it's still on"

     She looks at me like I'm crazy "atleast it's not a hard hit on the head, when I fell out I grabbed the pillow at the back and held it to my head but you didn't shield yourself now look at you"

     "yeah so silly of me" I whisper before drifting of into darkness....

    I wake up and I'm on a gurney , I look around me to see Kayden talking to the doctor while walking fast, Kieran is on one side holding my hand and Damon is gripping my other hand. Wait Amelia she needs someone too.

    I try to speak I think they notice it but my throat hurts too much, Woah I'm already in a hospital.

   I try talking again "Amelia" I whisper

   "she's already being treated" that's all I hear before the darkness consumes me again

    I wake up again, I'm laying in a bed and i see Amelia with a cast on her arm sitting beside me, her head against the headboard with eyes closed. Damon is sleeping in a chair with his head on my lap. Kayden is pacing around the room with a phone to his ear.

     Oh and Kieran is on a couch snacking, typical Kieran. He turns and our eyes meet then his eyes widen "babycakes you're awake". That snaps everyone's attention to me.

     Damon shot up and in seconds is beside me holding both my hands in his big ones. Amelia pets my head with her free hand "you're awake" she smiles

    "goodness I was scared" she chuckles "that was one hell of a ride"

     "tell me about it" I laugh

     "well the hacker was a good one, they still haven't found whomever it is" Kayden says putting his phone in his pocket.

      "what do you mean" Amelia asks

    "the car was hacked and controlled by someone" he says sitting on a chair "and no fvcking traces have been found after the car crashed" he adds seething

      well shit

    What just happened who was behind it, it was a wise decision Kiiara made to jump out right. thoughts on this chapter

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