Chapter 9

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     I've been in my room for about five hours now still listing the pro's and con's of what happened.

    What will Kieran do if he found out or worst still Kayden, I can't cause a fight between bestfriends. I know I'm being such a wuss right now I mean I'm 17yrs for Pete's sake I can make my own choices but twiddle dee and twiddle dum down there will never get that.

   Gosh why am I so worked up, he's probably down there chatting with them like nothing happened but I'm up here getting worked up.

    I pull my hair in frustration plopping down my bed, grabbing a pillow I scream into it.

    definitely not loosing my mind

    Someone knocks on my door. Oh my God someone knocks ON MY DOOR. Could it be him, or maybe Kieran found out, or maybe Micheal flew from Canada here gasp don't tell me he found out too!!

     Screw technology it just caused my downfall, I'm doomed. "if you don't open up right now missy I will break down this door and whoop your arse" Amelia yells from the passage.

      Thank goodness it's her, that was close. I quickly unlock the door drag her in and lock it back.

     "what's going on" she crosses her arms raising a brow

     "oh nothing" I say glancing everywhere else but at her. well done K very convincing.

     "then why are you acting weirdly suspicious" she says walking in circles around me.

     "pfft, suspicious nahh"

     "girl, i know you're lying"

     "okay okay I'll tell you, cause if I don't I'll go insane from worry"

     "I'm all ears"

     I told her about what happened but not too descriptively

    "whattttt? are you serious"

    "but he did say it wasn't supposed to happen"

    "chill out he just feels guilty for doing that because of your brother, I'm a hundred percent sure he doesn't regret kissing you"

      "but what if they find out"

      "so what" she said rolling her eyes "you can do what you want it's not their body, just make sure to use protection I'm too young for godmother duties" she winked

     "shut up, that's not happening"

     "says the girl who never expected to escape the friend zone, believe me anything could happen"

      "you're such a bad influence Mel" I lay my head back staring at the ceiling "are you actually sure he like me"

      "I could bet my college funds on that"

       "that's a lot of faith"

     So she dragged me downstairs yeah freaking dragged because if she didn't I won't have gone either. Ladies and Gentlemen we are now on the couch watching a movie but desperately trying to eavesdrop on what the boys are saying.


      "..........mad right"


   I quit

    They came over and we snapped out attention back to the TV. Damon sat beside me resting his hand behind my head, Kayden jumped on the love seat occupying both sides dummie and Kieran rested on the recliner.

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