Chapter 4

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  Tommy above

   We met a pizza man at the door which proved the boys are in. As a bunch of rich kids our parents aren't often around but we love them and they love us too which explains why those dimwits lounge in our house almost all the time mainly Kayden's friends with.

           We stepped in and met them playing video games and talking loudly "babycakes can you help with the pizza" Kieran spoke with eyes glued to the screen "it's alright I've got it" Kim shouted

           Tommy ran over to where they were and stared at the games in awe "and who is this adorable little man" joey asked placing him between himself and Damon on the couch

          "I'm not a wittle man I'm wearing my big boy pants see" Tommy said pointing to his tiny khaki shorts "I wanna play" he said turning to Damon pouting but before he could hand him a game console I snatched away and placed it on the table
            "No no, no video games for you" I shrieked  you can't blame me these boys play rough certainly not suitable for a kid Damon looked at me weirdly.

     "yes no video games for you or time out" Kim added but Tommy started to cry
       that pulled at my heartstrings sigh I picked him up "look Tommy they're naughty boys playing bad games and you're not a naughty boy are you" someone scoffed, he shook his head "so do you still wanna play"

           "no" he said in a small voice "come I'll give you the largest train station you ever saw and a lot of cool cars" and as if a switch went off he began bouncing in my arms "where is it, where is it" he screamed very excited I noticed the others had been watching us

          "well let's go up already my skin isn't softening itself and I didn't buy my spa facials for nothing" Amelia yelled
           on the way up I heard joey call out "I'm quite naughty in bed too Kerrington if you want a taste you're always welcome"

           "I'll think about it joey" I replied sardonically

           "it's Joe I hate Joey"
           "whatever" I sang

    Upstairs I placed Tommy in the play room which is infront of my room and he immediately got down to sampling each toys. The we changed to our bath robes with towels wrapped on our heads, Kim in all pink, Amelia in all red, and I in neon green. Then got down to facials. We were at different corners of my queen sized bed, Kim spoke up first.

              "I really do like your brother we met up on Thursday afternoon after school"
         "and......."Amelia inched forward with wide eyes

           "he asked me out "she said blushing

         "awww my little kimchi is growing up" I cooed
           "shut up" she said blushing harder

         we had painted our nails I didn't want one but was forced by the girls we gossiped a little more before my stomach rumbled "geez let's go get food" Amelia said

        "my stomach thinks same" Kim added

        "there's a lot of ice-cream in the fridge who's up" they chorused me and we sped of to the kitchen I bumped head-on into someone's back scratch that a wall almost falling down, it's so hard. I gripped the counter stabling myself "ouch" I scrunched my face rubbing my forehead. The wall turned around.

          "Oops sorry calla, didn't know I was fit enough to make you fall for me" Damon smirked flexing his muscles. He always called me calla I really don't know why.

   "seriously" Amelia scoffed "JD has better pick up lines" she said referring to her 11 year old cousin. This earned chuckles from the others.

         "On a second note are you hurt" he grabbed my face  inspecting my forehead while turning it from side to side. I raised an eyebrow

         "you still won't care anyway" I said with my hands in my hips noting the others staring intently at the little exchange

         "don't say that sugarplum" he said in a fake British accent. I rolled my eyes "what are you, my grandfather" at this he threw his head back and laughed a sexy laugh

         oh my gosh I didn't just think that

       "that sure is how pop sounds isn't it" he said with a small smile, I pushed his hand of my face, it been there to long and headed for the fridge. He tends to get pretty handsy with me at times and they don't go unnoticed by Amelia whose currently staring at me with a smirk

        We grab our snacks and head back upstairs after a long movie night more gossip and snacking we are now sleeping or do I say they are now sleeping I toss and turn and after an hour of a failed attempt at sleeping I tiptoe downstairs
              a milkshake will do the trick

       Upon reaching the kitchen I bump into something or rather someone about to scream someone covers my mouth, I frantically reach out for any nearby weapon

           "relax calla it's me" he whispers softly into my ear and I instantly calm down then point to his hand which is still muffling my mouth "oh sorry" he smiles sheepishly

          "couldn't sleep" I turn to look at him "yeah"

    " you want to...."
    " do I get you....."we say at the same time

     "you go first" I say taking a seat on the stool

      "I was going to ask if you want to watch a movie, what did you want to say"
       "I actually wanted a milkshake so what do I get you"

          "I'll just take water" he starts leaving then turns around facing me on my way to the fridge "movie?"

          "can we watch a cartoon"
          "hell no" I pout "just get the water I'll pick" he winks

           I grab my milkshake and his water, passing it to him then take a seat a bit further from him on the couch "come closer calla I don't bite........yet" he whispered the last part
         He grabs my waist pulling me closer to his chest I hesitate then lean into him, I eventually fall asleep 30 minutes after finishing my milkshake. I remember being lifted up then tucked in a kissed on the head before I slept off

    kissed on the head?


   Thoughts on this chapter? Leave in the comment section so we've met my boy Damon.... Do you ship Kimon. That's what I call them any better ship names?

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