Chapter 28

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  Damon's POV

   Another week has passed and I'm here on a couch reading and updating Kiiara about school, many people hope she gets better.

   I began reading a book to her immediately I was done revising my history note. I pause thinking absent mindedly, even though everything points to Kim and Sandra being the culprits they deny and Sandra's dad brings his lawyer to defend them

  It's unimaginable that he tried using Kobi Brown as his lawyer since he's very good at his job, the best in the city even. it's rude trying to use him against his own family and friends

  If they just admit maybe their sentence will be a bit nicer but they fervently disagree to having anything to do with the lighthouse incident and claim she jumped off because she was on drugs but the recordings on Tarah's phone says otherwise

  They threatened to hurt Tarah claiming she was lying and caused a fight outside the hospital yesterday trying to get in

  They tried getting in with Sarah's parents because they wanted to talk to Kiiara's parents privately but nobody is going to allow that and they were placed on house arrest till the trial

   I remember the past times she began hyperventilating, the doctor said she is trying to wake up and it's normal for people in a coma but if she exceeds five weeks she may become a veggie and all I did since I heard that was to pray to God that she wakes up


   Kiiara's POV

  The voice comes again asking me which way I want to go and I reply what has been in my mind for long, 'which ever way takes me back to my family and Damon'

   The voice whispers in my ear asking me if 'im sure'

  it tells me that I'll 'experience pain on the light side and freedom and peace on the dark side'

   It's like whoever it is doesn't want me to survive but I'll hold on either way. I force my feet up and start running toward the white light it feels like on walking on nails and glass at the same time

  My head feels like it's got a tsunami inside but I continue nonetheless, blood begins dropping from my white garment

   when did I wear one

  As I draw closer to the light I feel someone pulling me back, I turn and see Kim but she has two faces.

  The other face is Sandra's, and they smile wickedly. They both speak at the same time "you can't wake up, that's not my plan"

  "I am meant to whether you like it or not and I will" I hiss continuing my once paused race

  "don't forget I can still kill your brother" they say simultaneously again, I freeze then think deeply

  "that's right, now come let's finish the job" one of the two says as they begin walking toward the dark side

  "I think you're forgetting something" I smirk, I'm met with silence

  "and what is that" they say "you're not real" I smile at them then run toward the light as they chase after me

  I cross it just in time.

  I wake up to a spotless white room, I stare at my sides and see so many beautiful flowers which look magical as the sun casts a beautiful ray in them

  It's nice to wake up with a smile, I see Damon goodness I missed him. He's still as handsome as ever but looks a little stressed

   He's reading out a book most likely to me but he doesn't notice I'm awake, I try moving my hand but it doesn't work, the small gesture causes my heart rate to increase resulting in a fast beep of the machine beside me

  Damon hurriedly steps up and presses a red button probably calling the nurses, he then turns to me but is shell shocked when he sees me staring at him

  "You're awake" he whispers in disbelief "you're really awake" he says more firmly this time running his hand over my face like it's some missing artifact from a museum

   "Dear God" he cries out as he rains kisses over my face "thank you for not giving up Calla" he smiles holding my hand

   Immediately nurses rush in with a tray and he is told to leave the room, reluctantly he leaves after another set of kisses

  I must be smelling so why is he kissing me


  Damon's POV

   Elated I call everyone alerting them that she's woken up and they waste no time in arriving, when we are finally allowed in the room is packed fortunately it's a very large room so it holds all of us

   the perks of a VIP room I guess

  It's evening when I get alone time with her again and I'm sitting on the hospital bed holding her to my chest she started talking this afternoon although she said it hurts to do so

   I stare at the beautiful face of the girl I love

  "I love you Calla" I smile at her. she smiles back a radiant breathtaking smile, she still manages to look amazing after escaping death

  "I love you too Damon, more than you ever imagine" she says taking my hand in her fragile ones

  "I believe I'm the one who loves you more" I state leaving no room for argument "and please don't take this off again" I say placing the moon pendant necklace on her

  "Never" she smiles holding it


        She's awake a moment for the fireworks please. So they admit their in love, wow since I've got no one to say that to yet then let me just tell you guys that I love you and thanks for coming this far in Double Hearts, how are you liking the book so far....The book's soon gonna end though

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