Chapter 8

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Picture of Sandra above


I throw on a white Tank top and sweatpants, checking for a sign of Kieran in the rooms none I head to the kitchen for a quick snack.

Aaaaand the fridge is empty, well shit where did all the food go. I grab my dad's card or emergency mini bank as he calls it. Getting in my car I connect my phone to the radio system
I'm in need of some real music b!tch

Switching to Me too by Meghan Trainor, I raise the volume to its highest. It's not a crime.

When I get there I pull into the parking lot grab my purse and walk in.
My trolley is halfway full when a pretty brunette steps in front of me blocking my way.

"Hi I'm Sandra" she stretches out her hand for a shake smiling widely


"Kiiara, I know" she cuts me off

"ok so.... do I know you from anywhere?"

"No actually, but can I talk to you for a sec"

"Sure, you're already talking anyway"

I continued from where I stopped with her walking closely at my side

"so I was wondering if you could give me Damon's number"

I halted immediately turning to look at her "are you kidding me" I was shocked, I mean who in their right senses goes to a grocery store to ask a girl for a guy's number???

"oh come on help a sister, he's been ignoring me for months. It's the best I could do"

"I think ignoring you means he's trying to send a message" does she have brains at all

"oh please don't be a selfish little b!tch keeping his number all to yourself, it's not like you're his type, you're quite ugly and way to fat"

"the only thing ugly here is your personality now take a hike b!tch" I hissed storming over to the check out.

Quite a shame she's got no dignity. The sales lady helped package my goods which are a lot and carried them to the car with a few others.

What can I say seeing me now you'll probably think I have a lot of kids to feed but instead I literally feed the schools football team. They are always over at our home then there's Amelia who stays over most of the time.

Her Parents aren't home most of the time so she crashes over at my place to kill the loneliness. My stomach growls reminding me of the fact that I have not eaten. I pull over at Pop's which is about a Ten minute drive from my place.

When I get in I spot Nick at a window seat alone he waves me over.

Walking over I catch him staring at my boobs don't be a perv nick he quickly looks away

"hey, fancy meeting you here"

"it's my secret spot, well not so secret anymore" he grinned

the waiter came over and took our orders "so what brings you here" he sipped his drink while looking at me

"oh well I went grocery shopping but stopped for a bite"

I told him about the Sandra incident
"she sounds pretty desperate to me" he chuckled

We talked a little more and argued over the bill then I gave up. He's pretty persistent

I got home trying to balance the groceries on my arm with some still in the car

I get in and meet Damon on the couch in the living room "Anybody else in" I call out to him

"Nope just me......and you now"

"I need a hand please" he follows me out grabbing all that's left

I lock the car following him back in "thanks"

"No problem Calla" he drops the groceries as we both start unpacking them, after a while I turn to face him

"You know I've always wondered why you call me calla"

"oh, it's my favorite flower" he shrugs

"that's it" I say unconvinced

He walks over staring deeply at me "and you're my favorite person"

We spend about two minutes looking at each other before he leans in and kisses me pressing my back into the counter

holy shit he just kissed me

It starts out soft but soon turns more passionate as he dominated the kiss. His one hand goes to the back of my neck drawing my face closer to him, the other creeps into my top and he plays with the hem raising it slowly.

The sound of an engine snaps us apart breathing heavily from the intense makeout

"shit, that wasn't meant to happen" he draws his hand over his face in a frustrated manner

I rush out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into my room locking the door I jump on my bed.
I touched my now swollen lips still feeling his there.

what just happened

Kimon got some action!!! Finally. Is Sandra a yay or nay, thoughts always welcome. NOW buckle your seatbelts because some drama is about to start gasp I did not just give a spoiler

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