Chapter 17

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    A week has passed since that fateful day and I still miss Damon's touch, I might lie that I don't remember the night we shared but I still remember every single part of it

     I'm heading to school now in my ripped jeans and white tee. I'm driving alone since Amelia is going in Kim's car

    I hum to Finesse by Cardi B and Bruno Mars on the way, I park next to Kim's car who just arrived too. As I get down they both join me and we go to our lockers.

    During break we sit munching on chips, Nick walks up and sits between Kim and I. Brian one of his friends also comes and sits beside Kim he's had a crush on her but backed off when he heard she was dating Kieran.

     Last I heard he was with a junior but who cares, Nick faces me "haven't heard from you for long" he says turning his full attention to me.

    "were you expecting to meet up with me or something" I ask him confused

    "nah just thought we could meet up again after Pop's" he says dipping his chip in my ketchup and resting a hand behind my chair

   uhmm why so comfortable? I spot Damon a few tables away from mine watching the exchange

      "can you not do that" I say irritated

      "sorry" he smiles sheepishly duhh idiot we aren't that close.

       We continue eating with me trying my best to ignore Damon's stares and Nick's attempts, once the bell rings I stand up and leave with a confused Amelia behind me. "what was that about" she asks me once we're out the doors

      "what" I ask not paying attention

      "the whole Nick's flirting and Damon's staring" the says gesticulating

       "I don't know about Nick I don't even realize where it started" I reply irritated, if there's one thing I don't like is mixed signals. I never made Nick think I like him that shit back in the cafeteria was so uncomfortable.

       "anyway forget about him I think you should talk with Damon as soon as possible" she says stopping in front of me with crossed arms

        "fine" we get back to classes


     Third person POV

    The first person has been quite restless since they met they could feel anger from their first and chose not to speak until spoken to "they got together didn't they"

    no one replied

    "didn't they" the first yelled at the two's faces "you could've stopped them but your lazy inefficient asses didn't"

    "we didn't know" the second cut in "it's now you're saying it that we realized"

  "well I couldn't care less" the third said nonchalantly

  "you're getting on my nerves, remember your warning" the first seethed "anyway someone should put a leash on the bitch and that my dear is you" the first smiled evilly pointing at the second

    "think up something good and do it, till we meet again" the first said ending the conversation


    I was heading to the school garden when someone grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the parking lot. After careful observation while speed walking might I add I realized it was Damon.

   "where are you taking me" I asked him immediately we stopped at his car

   "just get in" he said opening the passenger door for me,  I was about to protest "please" he cut me off eagerly

   I jugged getting in and closing the door while he jumped in and drove off to wherever he was taking me.
    "so where is this mystery place" I said trying to get him to answer me

    "nice try be patient calla" he smirked never taking his eyes of the road

    "you know we're missing the last period" I crossed my arms glaring at him

    "we both have free periods" he said as if it was the most obvious fact

    "how did you... nevermind"

   He drove us to an open grassy field got down and started following a trail. I walked mutely behind him staring at the surroundings soon we reached a waterfall, the scenery was beautiful and I stood admiring it

    "how did you find this place" I said in reverence

    "forget that we need to talk" he said holding my hand and pulling me toward a big rock to sit, instantly the mood changed and I felt quite tense

    "you didn't need to bring me here to remind me that it was a mistake" I said avoiding his gaze

   "no no don't say that" he cupped my face "I have feelings for you calla more than you can think"

   "then why....." I trailed off

   "I was scared you didn't like me back, I know you and your brothers don't exactly have the best view of my relationship I've barely even had a girl friend I know that sounds stupid but I swear calla I've strong feelings for you" he said staring intently at me

   "I don't know what to say" I replied searching his eyes and what I saw there were different emotions sincerity and love? no I don't think so

   "you can start by admitting that I'm insanely attractive" he grinned devilishly leave it to damon to change the subject

   "and that I'm gorgeous" I smirked playing along

   "you are, by far the most" he stared intimately at me, where did the playfulness go?

   "Calla will you be my girlfriend" he said

   "I'm sorry what" I asked confused

   "I want no I need you calla, be my girlfriend" he stared at me taking my hands in his and rubbing his thumb over them

   Goodness my, I never thought this day will come, Damon Kingsley asking me to be his girlfriend?? hell yeah

   "yes Luca" I smiled

  He placed a promise ring on my finger I stopped to admire the silver band. He sealed it with a kiss we then stayed a bit more and came to an agreement that this place is our secret spot.

   our I like that

   What's up with the three? Who are they?. So my favs are dating now squeal . More action to come

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