Chapter 23

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    I always knew De Luca was a very big hotel and event center but I never knew it was this large, I've been walking for about ten minutes now trying to find the balcony.

    I reach glass double doors on the upper wing and push them open, finally it's the balcony. As I stare down I see all the expensive cars of the people inside I'm trying to think of anything to take my mind off Damon and Sandra

    Someone hugs me tightly from behind and places their head in my neck I flinch instantly but relax when I inhale Damon's cologne.

   "why did you follow me" I ask coldly

   "whatever you saw in there it's not what you think it is" he whispers softly

    "and what is it, you know when you started ignoring me I thought it was a fault on my part but I never imagined you fvcking another girl" I hissed pushing him off "wasn't I enough"

   He stepped back confused "what are you talking about Kiiara"

   "explain this" I sneered pushing the picture on my phone into his hand

   "someone sent this to you" he asked bemused "that's funny take a look at these" he says pushing the phone into my hand

   I stare at the pictures of Nick and I "mind explaining that" he retorts

   "I...these....they aren't..real" I stutter at the pictures in disbelief "someone is trying to sabotage our relationship" I stare at him desperately

   Nick kissed me but I pushed him off, was he taking pictures of us the whole time "we were at the cafe working on a school project not a date" I speak up looking at him

   "And...and...he held my hand but that was long before we started dating, he was flirting with me I admit that but I turned him have to believe me"

   I held his hand staring at him, he looked uncomfortable "and the kiss...that was the night I was waiting for you in the car....." he trailed off

   "he knew what he was doing, he kissed me but I shoved him off and warned him I don't have anything to do with him damon" a tear dropped from my eye

   "you believe me don't you....I won't cheat on you" I said as my voice broke.

    "don't cry" he pulled me into his chest, I hugged him we'll work this out I know it and no one can do a thing about it "


   Third person POV

   The first person stared at the two on the balcony from behind a pillar feeling consumed by anger

    A call came in right on time and picking the first spoke "change of plans guys seems like they got back together"

    they will regret this...


  Damon's POV

    I went in after talking to Kiiara, she left for home saying she doesn't feel like staying here any longer and I promised to be with her shortly.

    I met my dad and talked a little with him and Clark a friend of his before I left for my car. On getting there I met a brunette by it

   Oh right that's the girl who came with me "what's wrong Sally" I asked approaching her

   "it's Sandra you asshole" she hissed at me "and you ditched me at the party" she wailed tearing up. Hey where did the tears come from

   "Look Sandra, thanks for your help but I've gotten back with my girlfriend and I need to get to her now so if you don't mind I'll be leaving"

   "Figures, you two weren't so subtle up on the balcony infront of everyone down here" she smirked

   I stared around noting some people looking at me including some girls staring like I broke their hearts. That sentence broke their hearts...

  broke my heart....

  Shit she's Sandra from freshman year who claims I broke her heart, I stare at her suprised while she stares at me confused. She was a blonde last I remember why the hair change.

   Damn I never even dated the girl but she was all over me though we cleared things out before she transferred schools. We became friends after the encounter then I lost her number sometime later

   "Well I got an Uber for you and don't worry about the bill, it will arrive in five minutes latest" I smile at her getting in the driver's side

   "ok bye" she waves as I drive off

    I had taken off this gorgeous silver dress careful not to destroy it, my phone pinged. I've been getting a lot of messages lately

   I open it...

      Congrats I see you and damon are back on track, I've changed my plans since you're disobedient. Now run kitten cause when I find you your done ; )

      Kimon is back on track people, btw who's this jealous bird negative energy not allowed please *eyeroll thoughts on this chapter?

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