Chapter 26

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Amelia's POV

   Something is terribly wrong, Kiiara hasn't picked any of my calls. She hasn't even read my messages I enter my car and drive home

   I enter the Kerrington living room which is bubbling with excitement against her eighteenth birthday party tommorow, yeah I know it's Kieran's too but he really doesn't care

  I march to the center infront of everyone from Damon to all her four handsome brothers to her parents and Cora her fashionista cousin.

  "Attention everyone" I holler, all eyes turn to me. "has anyone seen Kiiara" I say slowly

  "what do you mean isn't she at your place" Caleb speaks up "yeah I thought she went there" her dad adds

  "No she's not" I can't spoil the happy mood here unless I'm sure she's missing "carry on, she's probably at Kim's place" I say waving them off and heading up to her room

  They go back to what they were doing but I see the boys picking their phones geez they never stop worrying

  I head to her room, the door is open clue 1. I begin searching as quickly as I can, I open her mini fridge but the drink compartment smells weird, like a hospital clue 2

  I stand by the door and look around, then I notice a box peeking from under her messy duvet beneath her bed. Her room is never this disorganized clue 3

  I pull out the box, it contains letters. I pick out a few and read them....

  oh my

  I pick the box and letters and immediately run to the living almost tripping on my foot. "what's got you so scared" Kayden laughs

  "You guys need to see this" I say throwing the letters on the table. They each pick them up and read but I guess it's the one where she's threatened not to talk about this or Kieran will be killed that angers everyone

  Rage makes its way onto every one's face, "I'm contacting the cops now" Caleb booms angrily as his mom breaks down which leaves her husband torn between comforting her and controlling his anger

  Micheal speaks totally shaken up "I'll track her phone now, I guess my computer lessons will pay off"

Everyone sets out into the cars as the cops call to let us know that her phone has been tracked, we follow the directions given and arrive at sweet water rivers towards the outskirts of the city

  I hear the sirens as more Police cars fill the environment, a cop arrives with her phone and points to the lighthouse which apparently has her.

  Well luck is not on our side and it seems we are too late because all we hear as we stare at the river is an ear piercing scream and I see a body dropping from the top of the lighthouse down to the water


Kieran's POV

  I shout her name right before she drops into the water, my twin can't die. She has to be alive, a miracle better occur, I watch as blood drains from my mum's face and she faints

  God please let this be a nightmare..

  Kayden's POV

   I yell for a life boat immediately as Caleb and I run into it along with a first aid team while Micheal stays behind to comfort the rest

  The cops have already gone up the lighthouse to catch whoever did this. Tarah was found tied up with a bloody arm apperently she was shot on her upper arm, she was seen laying at the corner of the lighthouse and has been taking for interrogation.

   As we reach the middle of the river a guy from the boat swims in and a few minutes later pulls out the freezing cold body of my baby sister.

  Caleb and I hold unto her tightly as we stare at her ghostly white skin, the lady felt for her pulse and said it was weak

  Damon's POV

   I watch my Calla drop into the water and her blood rise to the top and just like that my heart breaks into unrepairable pieces.

   After Kayden leaves with Caleb and the first aid team to get her body I stay to comfort her mum and Amelia I can't even look at her without feeling guilty.

   I stare at my cousin Tarah in disgust after she admits that she was initially part of this but she begs that she never knew they're intention was to kill her but all they told her was that they just wanted to pull pranks

   She even says she recorded their conversations but I guess the big shocker is when we see the main culprits.

   As Kim and Sandra are escorted by the cops in handcuffs everyone can't help but gasp, I'm very disappointed in myself for ever getting involved with a cold blooded killer like Sandra and as for Kim well Amelia just spoke out everyone's mind

   "You ungrateful bitch" Amelia spat at Kim as she passed "Kiiara treated you as a friend and this is how you repay her" she hissed

  "you're actually the ungrateful bitch" Kim hisses "I did you a favour by getting rid of her" Kim smirks before she's pushed toward the police van

  what an example of a close friend...

  A cop that was up on the lighthouse came back with a picture of what Kiiara carved on the floor for us to see, it brought tears to everyone's eyes but brought anguish to my heart

  I stared at it, I love you also my Calla forever and beyond but please don't leave me

    This is all my fault...

   So we got a multiple POV yipee, So now let me just let you know that the first person is Sandra, second is Kim and the reluctant third is Tarah. Poor Damon blames himself, thoughts on this chapter??

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