Chapter 24

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   I totally ignored the message I received yesterday night and when Damon came I didn't tell him about it I can't have him worrying over some stupid trick that probably a third grader could be playing

   Ok that's a lie a third grader definitely didn't pull that off but I won't give attention to what isn't important.

  I'm in my bed thinking of a good enough reason for me not to go to school today but I came up with none so...

  I rush to my bathroom freshen up then skip to my closet. What to wear today??

   Her outfit

  I pull on the first outfit that comes to mind and rush downstairs to the kitchen. I make some avocado toast with fried egg toppings for Kieran, Kayden and I.

  Fortunately the boys stayed home last night, my parents left for work some minutes ago and we'll Caleb is sleeping as expected.

  But shit Michael, oh right he went to pick up his secret girlfriend from the airport who he has refused to tell me about, I'll still find out anyway

   I place the plates on the table with lemonade's beside each and start eating as the boys enter. Kayden passes me placing a quick kiss on my forehead "hey cupcake"

   "Hey favourite big brother" I smile sneakily at him

   "Take the grey Aston Martin and don't talk to me today again" he groans stuffing his mouth with food

   I only call him that when I want one of his cars and he never says no, he just picks which one I can take but he never lets me touch his black Porsche Cayenne

   He'll die if I ever drove it and I'm being serious, I still don't know why he bought it. In my opinion I'm being a good sister I don't ask him for his cars that frequently

  I pick my red crossbody bag and get in his car with a wide grin on my face.


  A letter was dropped in my locker before and after the first class, I placed them in my bag at lunch I had gotten six letters and I've read none.

  Right now I'm contemplating disposing them but I chose to read them first, I left for the school garden.

  Earlier on today Kim and I had two classes together and we caught up, she even invited me over. I feel bad for her because since she and Kieran broke up she hasn't come to my house

   She's also very uneasy talking about him with me or Amelia but he doesn't seem bothered and has even started dating a girl named Laila but I'm not going to tell Kim the 'i told you so' line 

   Apart from that our sleepovers and gossip nights still hold, the three of us. I'm even considering talking to Amelia about her being the third bestfriend

   Oh and let's not forget Tommy the sweetheart he still comes over and despite their break up he loves playing with Kieran

   I sat down on a bench near a beautiful sunflower bed before I could open my bag Damon jugged over to me from the football field

  The field is not to far away and can be seen from where I am but I chose not to stay on the bleachers cause it gets noisy there and I don't want prying eyes in these letters

   Who knows it could be my secret admirer, as Damon drew closer I zipped the bag back and dropped it at my side waiting for him

   He bent forward kissing me before sitting down beside me "hey calla" he grinned

   "hey handsome" I smiled playing with his hair "you know your coach's gonna probably chop off your head for leaving practice just to see me"

   "but I've not seen you all day" he whined grabbing my waist and placing me on his laps "and besides it's worth it" he smiled mischievously

   "someone is happy today" I said eyeing him "what can I say, you light up my day"

   "cheesy" I laughed scrunching my nose

   "Kingsley get your ass over here" his coach yelled from the field "urggghhh" he groaned pecking me once more before running to the field

   I began to open my bag again before someone called my name STOP INTERRUPTING ME

  I look up to see Kevin approaching me "hey Kev what can I do for you" I forced out

  "ouch did I ever offend you" he said placing a hand over his heart

  "No no no" I quickly cut in "Have you seen Mel by the way" he said

   "Mel huh" I smirked, "yeah" he said the tips of his ears turning red

   "aww aren't you cute, well not really but she likely to be in the music room" I smiled "thanks" he said turning

"No practice" I called out "Nahh I kinda dislocated a joint" he says pointing to his bandaged knee

  "ouch get better" I say, he smiles and leaves

  I open my bag finally and pull out the first letter

  Dear K

      I really don't want to hurt you, you know, you're a sweetheart or so people think I'll warn you to end the relationship now

  the second and third is similar

  I open the fourth

  Dear K

      you've not been reading my letters I see open it now and take my threat seriously

    What the actual hell

  The fifth is also similar to the fourth warning me to open and read the letters also to take the threat seriously

    however the sixth and seventh say are different from the first five. The sixth letter says

    Dear K

       I'll have fun messing with your brother and bestfriend if you don't heed my advice or rather instruction, but why bother them when I could punish you instead

   Is the person really bothered about me reading the letters this much. As a student passes by a letter drops beside me, I look up immediately after realizing the letter was written for me but I don't see the person anymore

  I open the now seventh letter

  Dear K

      I just saw you and Damon at the garden, would have been the perfect time to heed my instruction and break up with him. Your last chance is gone, you tell anyone about this and your twin dies don't ask me how cause I'm capable of many things.

     I just realized something though, it's too late cause he's smitten by you already and you refuse to end things, now I have to get rid of you : (

  I stare around the surroundings but nothing looks strange or suspicious

   Good lord what is going on


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