Chapter 7

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   The cheer outfits above

  We are in the Cafeteria right now, Kim has been going on and on since morning about the routine to the tryouts to how cool it is being a cheerleader and once again people I've zoned out.

     Well I haven't introduced you to are cheerleading team so; we have Charlotte she's the head cheerleader, pretty cool kid if you ask me, her dad is a senator and her mum is a total snobby socialite, I'm glad she doesn't take after her mum.

      Then we have Blair the co-captain she's a neat freak so if you ever meet her you can't show up looking scruffy just a piece of advice, Paige and Paisley the half twins whose family lives of scandals but they are cool with it

        I call them half twins because their mums are sisters who slept with the same man and got pregnant the same year weird much oh yeah and we got Tarah and Trisha the low life bitches who got real issues, you remember Tarah right, Damon's cousin, apperently she feels she has the power to decide who dates who among the Kingsley's the Kerrington's and the Brown's.

        She totally terrorized Janelle, Amelia's brother's girlfriend who is in college when she came over for Thanksgiving just because she felt they don't match. I'm not a fan of her infact none of us like her but guess what?, she dislikes us too.
       As for Trisha she glues to any guy thats  good-looking and her main victim from time to time is Damon she believes they're a match made in heaven.

      "promise me you'll be there to cheer me on even if not out loud, just with your presence" she pouted with puppy eyes. We nodded "ooh I'm so nervous and excited" she said clapping totally forgetting her unfinished food

      "I just hope I don't meet Tarah there she's so infuriating I can't stand her"

    "tell me about it" Amelia faced her food disgusted "I just lost my appetite thinking of her"

      After break we left for English which surprisingly turned out interactive and interesting. 


    I can't help but feel that the cheer outfits were made for the male genders eyes because as I see Charlotte and Blair now they are practically wearing nothing, their skirts are too short and the shirts too small and it bothers me but whatever floats their boats.

       The girls here for tryouts are a lot and are wearing their gym outfits, I think the dress code for them too is anything short!!

      The coach is pretty strict, she has dissed a minimum of 12 girls and she keeps complaining that they should exercise more, if they had they'll probably be more flexible while the only thing I constantly here Blair calling out is -next!

      There are two girls who have done pretty amazing. They earned a smile from the coach, I think that's amazing

     The rest of the cheerleading team are at the corner gossiping about god knows what.

     "Next" I turned to see that it's Kim's turn and she's visibly shaking my poor kimchi how do I help her now

     Her eyes roaming around she immediately turned to us. We put our thumbs up mouthing go girl to her

      "we don't have all day young lady" the coach called out snapping her fingers, such a cranky woman was she left alone at the altar. She should take a chill pill

      With one last glance at us she stepped forward and did her routine. I honestly didn't know she was this good till now.

    Amelia nudged my arm "she so good she's making me wanna go out there and join her"

      I faced her with wide eyes "abort the idea missy, you'll end up kicking over everything within your reach"

      "ha ha funny" she said dryly

      Charlotte and Blair smiled

      Well what a bitch! I was expecting to hear that's so cool or really nice or at least a round of applause but a freaking next, come on. I dunno how they operate but in my eyes that was great
      Amelia picked up her bag "I guess my stay here has come to an end now Kim is done"

      "I'm not willing to see any more flips it's making me lose brain cells" she drawled

      "or maybe you're just jealous cause you're not that flexible"

      "me, jealous? please'"

     We headed to the benches by the garden and took a sit waiting for Kim. Today I'm not picking her brother cause her mom is around.

        About 5 minutes later we spotted her running toward us with a wide grin
        "I got in guys"

       "yay no more cheer lectures" Amelia waved her arms with fake enthusiasm

       "aren't you happy for me" she pouted

       "of course we are" I said hitting Amelia hard on the arm

       "yeah we are" she glared at me rubbing her arm

       Kieran appeared out of the blue slinging an arm over Kim's shoulder "congrats babe" he said kissing her

     "eww keep it PG guys people are watching" Mel groaned covering her eyes

       "The kimran ship is still sailing people" I said dramatically "now get a room"

       "I'll see you later sweetheart" he kissed her cheeks and left

      "bye to you too brother who forgets I exist"
      "love you loads sis" he yelled before leaving our sight

       "I'll be heading home guys thanks for today" Kim blew us kisses before leaving

         "I don't feel like going home yet"

         "you know me well"

         "Pizza hut" she asked standing up

         "Pizza hut it is"

     I love this girl



    The Kimran ship is on! I'm not the best at giving cheerleading details but I guess this was pretty good. Your thoughts on the chapter??


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