Chapter 2

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     Done with tests and some classes I'm now stepping out with Kieran, we both share English and you can be sure he didn't listen at all, he slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked to our lockers.

        "So babycakes could you cover up for me and give me your car, I'll be late today" in my family I go by the name shortcake, babycakes, cupcakes blah blah blah. It's mainly because I love baked goods but then my grandparents call me sweetooth .

        "yeah why not, isn't that what I do each week"

    "don't make it sound so bad, it's practice I have not like I'm skipping school" I rolled my eyes

        "whatever you say captain, now go on your minions are waiting for you"I said nodding my head in his friends direction and dumping my stuff in my locker

        "you know that's why I love you, you're my favorite sister"he said turning away

         "I'm your only sister silly"closing my locker to see Amelia.

          "we should go watch them after classes today"

         "or more like you should go ogle Damon and the boys" I mumbled irritated "you should quit your obsession with Kevin or is that you like my brother" I fake gasped"

        Well Damon is a senior half Italian half British but grew up here in America. Perfect looks, bright green eyes light brown hair 6ft2 and a super fit body leaning a bit to the buff side.

    He's Kayden's best friend ,then they are the remnants of the crew Kevin, Joey and Dylan. Kieran and his friends are also in the football team he really wants to be captain when Kayden leaves and is putting a lot of effort into it.

          Kayden's friends are way nicer than Kieran's ,his group are a bunch of horny jerks who got nothing better to do than girls and football, out of his friends  Nick, Daniel, Brian and Gale, I like Nick. Not in a crush way though, he's friendly and very responsible and we get along quite well.

         "ha ha not in a thousand years will I find Kayden attractive, he's not my type" she said flatly "on the other hand Kevin is so hot" she squealed suddenly excited

    "good luck with him then, I think you need that" we went into the cafeteria and I grabbed my daily dose of strawberry juice, it's another one of my addictions then other edibles and we headed to the patio tables outside.

   This is my favorite part of the school. Greenville is fully equipped with everything a school needs that money can buy so it's extra comfortable for it's students.
         From out here we see everything inside the cafeteria since the doors are transparent and we also see the school garden from here.

      I spot Kieran inside with a bunch of people and a girl on his lap, doesn't he ever get tired eww. They're obviously feeling each other up while eating like seriously give us a break and get a room.

    Kieran's been quite occupied since the seniors are leaving in 7 months.Surely he's taking the spot of the Golden boy when Damon leaves

          Everybody's got a crush on Damon even I do but he's quite cold to everyone but his friends , with them he's quite wild and as for me I can't really tell what we are apart from family friends his mom, mine and Amelia's grew up together so we obviously know each other quite well. At this point he caught me staring at him while he was talking so I look away then look back when he turns away.

          Damon or Luca as I call him (that's his middle name that only family calls him) is no doubt a sweetheart to his elders and pretty much charming to everyone around him. He views me as a little sister but we barely talk at school only on family vacations.

        "sweetie why don't you admit you like him" Mel whisper shouts still chewing her salad

        "shut up and eat" I grumble and stuff my face with some chips to avoid answering her again

        "nuh uh I ain't taking that I saw you literally eye raping him"whisper shouting again

        I don't say anything but stare at his table for a while then turn back to her "if I do it still makes no difference he's not into me, I mean look at me I'm practically a D cup at the front and my ass barely ever fits into skinny jeans, I appreciate the body but I'm nothing like the girls he dates, skinny and tall"

        "oh shut it, you're your number one body shamer, quit that. See babe you're gorgeous and I'm a hundred percent sure he sees it, I for one envy your dimples and long hair. look at mine it's always above my shoulder since 5"

       "uhhhh I think you're forgetting he's got a thing for you red heads and Kayden will probably never allow it"I finish with a sigh

       "screw Kayden he's got to stop seeing you as a baby all your brothers do, and besides we redheads are hot we aren't to blame for that"she boasted flipping her hair

        "yeah right, but still they'll go crazy if they ever heard I was seeing a guy ,Micheal will board a plane back here to give me a lecture of how unhealthy boys are" I say laughing

        "yh about that how's Micheal my favorite kerrington"

         "you bitch" I fake gasped with a hand over my chest feigning hurt

        she laughed loudly "he's a wild one and I like the wild ones"

        "still in Canada and still doesn't remember you"

      she picked up her phone we are done with our foods now "I believe you"

      The bell rang and we went of for the remainder classes


     We were heading to the bleachers now we are going to have to wait for Kayden now cause he's driving us home  fortunately he won't take long, unfortunately we are currently with a new friend Kim Young who Amelia met in calculus class she's a pretty Asian-American who just moved here but she's too energetic and hasn't stopped talking since the last lesson.

         "and my elder sister is a make up artist............" I zoned out once again

      "right......right.......KIIARA" they both yelled

      I yelped after dropping my note on my toe "what"

      "we were just agreeing to a sleepover on Friday and a girl's day out on Saturday, you weren't even listening"she exclamation dramatically

       "well sorry" I mumbled taking a sit on the bleachers them following suit with my eyes roaming around for Kayden

        "so what do you say" Kim replied excitedly

    "of course kimchi" I smiled while Kieran jugged over.

      "well whose your gorgeous friend over here won't you introduce me"he said eyeing Kim head to foot, I personally don't think she's his type with straight and shiny brown hair just below her shoulders, brown doe eyes and a short but cute build at 5ft4 but then Kieran never has a type, he does everything with a skirt

      "Nope" I said popping the p, she giggled like freaking giggled I wanted to yell I'm helping you here sister but of course she introduced her self with Amelia shaking her head disaprovingly obviously guessing what nasty things are going on in his mind

      "I'm Kim and you are" he smiled "Kieran nice to meet you" he said kissing the back of her hand

     cough "man" cough "whore" cough "alert" Amelia and i drawled

     Ignoring us "I really hope I see you private" he winked an left

    Throughout practice I noticed Damon staring at me or maybe it's my mind playing tricks but in the end we left with Kayden and promised to see Kim tommorow.


      Chapter 2 done and dusted, please do vote and comments will love to know your opinion on this book. BTW what are your thoughts on Kim?? See you on the other side of the screen


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