Chapter 27

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So I've never shown you guys the moon pendant necklace right it's above

  Damon's POV

   Kiiara was rushed to the hospital immediately and has been inside the ER for three hours now. I hold the moon pendant necklace like it's my life

   it's all I have of her right now and I won't let go of it, I noticed she never took it off since she was twelve and it always made me happy

  We waited anxiously for the doctor to come out, my parents and Amelia's arrived. We are so many in the waiting room that we had to be given the whole space, what still bothers me is why she hid it from us

  Forget the frickin letter, she was in our midst and it will be hard for whoever it is to take her then we will use all the evidences to track down the person.

  Mrs Kerrington hasn't stopped crying all night and no one has been able to comfort her. I just hope it doesn't turn into a migraine or something else

  Kim and Sandra have been taken into custody, Kim's parents were shocked and claimed not to know anything about it while Sandra's parents were nonchalant about the matter

   It's sad that Kim is not yet eighteen so she's probably gonna end up in a juvenile home but Sandra will be in jail for sure and that makes me happy

   The doctor steps in and asks to speak to her parents but her Mrs Kerrington is in no state to go and stays with my mum still sobbing while Amelia's parents comfort the kids

  Nathaniel and JD insisted on coming and for the fist time I saw JD cry and I guess that made everyone even sadder cause he never cries.

  Her dad and Caleb go to a corner of the room with the doctor to discuss, Amelia has been here sobbing hysterically, now I expected Kayden to comfort her but he's so down that he couldn't do it

  So yeah she's here bawling her eyes out on my shoulder while I myself is struggling to keep calm.

   Her dad comes back in and sits down looking distraught while Caleb speaks up "so you guys are probably wondering what the doctor said, well she's in a coma and it's a fifty fifty chance if she makes it out alive"

  He moves forward and sits on a chair then continues "but she was drugged, nobody should eat a thing from her mini fridge because someone was able to get into our house and put an overdose of crushed tylenol in her drinks"

  "That's sick" Clark commented

  "Well that someone is Kim" Caleb continued "we can all go see her in pairs so Mom and Dad please go in first"

   She's in a VIP room which is the inner room of the waiting room we are in so anyone who wants to go see her has to pass this room first

   They both go in and her mom's cries are the only thing we hear as the room is pin drop silent. The media houses are already circulating the news but quite harshly, online you'll find headlines like 'billioniare's daughter dead' or 'The Kerrignton last born murdered by best friend' which is totally untrue and puts Amelia in a wrong light

   Another one is that struck is the one carried by the guardian 'Kiiara Kerrington dead or not' then the most annoying 'The youngest Kerrington dropped of a lighthouse to her demise' but I won't bother going in and on.
   The press don't know she isn't dead and that's mostly why they have surrounded the hospital but the father's here have ordered security to send them away.

   Schoolmates flock in, some with their parents some with their friends and some on their own with flowers of all sorts, chocolates which Micheal and Kieran are certainly gonna eat as comfort food, get well soon cards and a very large pink board signed by all her mates regardless of their statuses

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