Chapter 10

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   I'm still thinking about last night honestly, I know Damon wanted to tell me something. It's bothering me to the point that I didn't catch enough sleep.

      so much for getting over him

    I grab my phone looking for who to text to keep occupied. Earlier on we were sent a message signifying no classes today Friday since it's the Principal's birthday.

Skai 🌻: hey Mel
Skai 🌹: wats poppin b!tch

    Oh yeah that's the way we separate the name, I love sunflowers and she loves roses.

Skai🌻: I'm bored where are you¿
Skai🌹: guess what

Skai🌻: uhh what..

Skai🌹: come-on be a little more enthusiastic

Skai🌻: oh my goshhhh what's going on in my interesting best friends life that I really want to hear!

    typing..... still typing. Five minutes later

Skai🌹: seriously 🙄

Skai🌻: I can't believe you kept me on hold for five freaking minutes just to type that.

Skai🌹: anyway I'm going on a date

Skai🌻: a date aww

     She stopped typing and video called me

   Immediately I picked she started screaming "Kevin asked me out"

    "take it easy don't pop out my ears" I said frowning "but I'm so happy for you"

    "I know" she fake cried "I'm so excited" I glanced around her room from the screen "and when exactly" I asked still staring at the mess

    "oh in thirty minutes actually"

    "WHATTT!!!" It was her turn to back away from the screen

     "darling please shut up I'm not aiming to be deaf when he asks me for a kiss"

      I stared at her in disbelief " so you tell me you have thirty minutes left and you are still in PJ's are you crazy"

    We spent the next twenty minutes picking out a dress for her and yeah my boring self had nothing to do but eat play games and watch movies till evening, Kayden called to let me know they'll be back soon but with nothing left to do I slept off.

     I was running as fast as I could but everywhere was so dark almost black. when a gunshot sounded in the air I froze

       "such a low life bitch what where you thinking, you can't escape me you can never"

     someone approached me from behind "say your last words kitten"

     someone started shaking me fervently


     I couldn't breathe anymore , I started screaming my lungs out"

      Cold water was poured on my face and I shot up opening my eyes. I couldn't say anything that dream felt so real, I stared around me and saw three figures, I started to hyperventilate.
       The figures began coming closer and I started screaming again.

      One held me by my shoulders "Kiiara please calm down it's me Kieran, that's Damon and Kayden we won't hurt you"

     Damon and Kayden sat on both sides of me while Kieran remained in his position I front of me. "What's wrong calla" Damon said holding my hand I flinched, he looked hurt but let go of my hand.

     I couldn't speak, they spent the next probably thirty minutes trying to get me to talk but every time I tried speaking I couldn't make a sentence.

     I was really spooked, the only nightmare I remember having is when I dreamt that Kieran came into my room and ate everything in my mini fridge including the fridge but that isn't this scary and vivid.

      I heard someone say "you guys go rest we've had a long day I'll take her up"

     I turned to look at Damon leading me up the stairs and mumbled a "thank you"

    He took me into the room sat on my bed and drew me to his chest hugging me tightly, my face was pressed into him and I was literally sitting on him. He started rubbing my hair in a soothing motion.

    "you smell nice" I whispered, oh no what did I just say. He chuckled then took my face in his palms and kissed my nose, oh well.

     "do you wanna talk about it"

     I tensed for a moment, "sure why not" I told him all about the nightmare. All the while he kept rubbing my back to keep me calm, "forget about it ok" he said staring at me "it meant nothing"

     yeah just like the kiss  I wanted to say but I just smiled at him.

     He took care of me the whole night, from making my food to feeding me, shocker is that he's a great cook. He made me a bubble bath but wanted to get in with me such a perv, he sang and oh my God was it horrible but it did cheer me up, I spent about ten minutes laughing at him.

     My brother's came in to keep me company too for some time before retiring to bed and when he did put me to bed he slipped under the cover pecked me on the head saying "goodnight".

   Damon POV

     I had this feeling that something is wrong but maybe it's just my mind. I looked down at my angel sleeping peacefully on my chest, I will protect my light. I should have stayed home with her.

     I'm so stupid for leaving her alone, the maids can't keep her company they're never even seen, they just silently do their work and leave.

     I kissed her on the head and cheeks, she stirred in her sleep.

     I can't overstep my boundaries but God knows how much I want and need her. "goodnight my calla" with that I slept.

      I think I love her


    So Kiiara's love life seems non-existent, Damon is such a sweetie cheering her up. Thoughts on this chapter?

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