Chapter 5

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  I woke up with a weight on my stomach that doesn't feel nice opening one eye I notice Amelia's leg on my stomach I quickly fling it off

        "stop.....more sleep" she grumbled then turns the other way

         I head to the bathroom brush my teeth and shower still in my bathrobe I throw on my baby blue bunny onesie, I know childish much but very cute and the hood's got large blue and white ears. I meet Kim awake on my bed and she goes into the bathroom by the time she's out in a large T-shirt Amelia is groggily going in

        "morning sis" she says in a sing-song voice apperently she's a morning person

        "need strawberry juice, want strawberry juice" I complain rummaging my mini fridge for my morning dosage

        I'm not addicted right?

     "weird" Kim mumbled while heading downstairs

      "it's not weird it's reality" I called out after her gripping my strawberry juice, giving it a good shake and sipping it
          whew I'm calmer now

      Amelia came out in booty shorts and a tank top,  "so what are we making for the army downstairs"

        By now the boys must have left but Damon obviously stayed he always does, it's not cool being alone, after Clark his elder brother left for college it's just been him and Nate.

  Their parents went on a vacation same as mine. Nate isn't what you call company because he's always busy creating stuff or doing some science and all that. So he's probably always in his room which explains why Damon's always over.

          "how about we let the fridge decide that" I said sipping the last of my strawberry juice

         sigh gone too soon

       We got to the kitchen "seems like we are the only one's up" I mused

        "where in the world did kimchi go" ever since her called her that it became her nickname and now Amelia calls her that.

         "I'm here" she said appearing in the kitchen with Kieran following suit. Amelia and I shared a look

        "and what will my little goblin like to eat" I coed with the aim of annoying Kieran, he isn't a morning person. He looked at me then sat down playing along "anything your golden heart will give me o Fair Lady"

      "why the good mood" I asked curiously
      "he's even smiling" Amelia eyed him suspiciously

     "what! I'm not a grumpy person, you know what I'm out I'll be back once I smell food"

        We both turned to Kim "hi" she looked nervous. I started the toast with a lot of fillings and brought out glass cups while making sure the orange juice is freezing cold along with my strawberry, my lovely strawberry

        Amelia went back to interrogating her "Ahem, were listening"

      "slower hon we didn't hear a word you said"

  "well I was in your brothers room and we kissed" she said looking anywhere else but us

    "I knew it" Amelia exclaimed "took you long enough"
    "knew what" Kayden said checking out Amelia as Damon followed him in with his hair all over the place and no shirt on
     yummy I could stare all day......what no shut up                                  
     uhmmm I'm your mind I can't shut up

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