Chapter 13

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   It's been three days the police are still on the case, I have a bandage on my head and Amelia still has a cast on her arm and yesterday when the news reached out parents, Dad was livid even mom couldn't calm him down, but then she herself was a sobbing mess.

    I'm the only daughter and last born so it's expected, you probably won't believe me if I told you they put a baby monitor on me after the incident but well that's exactly what happened.

      a fvcking baby monitor, like what the hell

    The security in the house was tripled and I have a bodyguard who drives me everywhere. For Amelia it's no better, her Parents couldn't sleep, they called every five minutes to check on her and she dare not miss a single call.

      That didn't relieve them a bit cause guess what, the whole family is flying back here first thing tomorrow morning from my Parents to Caleb and Michael who mind you has been texting to check on me every hour.

   When Micheal first called he was so dramatic and spent the whole time talking about how he's already practiced using a bat to whack someone senseless.

     lol sometimes he sounds like a girl

    For Amelia, her parents aren't the only ones coming, JD's parents are coming along to stay. You remember JD right her male horny cousin. He's a sweetheart but he's one horny bastard. JD has been here since, after all he schools here. His full name is James Davidson Brown he's lean but tall maybe my height or more and for an eleven year old he's handsome. The idiot knows it and hits on girls older than him.

      Anyway enough with JD, I'm so eager for my mum to come home, she's like my twin. She's a sweet, scary and a free spirited person. We look exactly alike because I took my looks from her. Even the media calls us the Kerrington twins. But well she's shorter than me at 5ft5 and very curvy.

     Even though she's married, she gets hit on. Dad is very protective of her and they are so much in love. Dad is tall like very tall and bulky but to me he's my unicorn. He dressed as a unicorn and served me strawberry juice on my 12th birthday, and believe me the whole family never lived that day down.

    He didn't want to but as long as it made me happy then he had no problem. I'm not spoilt though, never been and never will be. Just a bit too pampered. I picked up Amelia's phone which was charging in my room and left to go give her and grab a snack.

      I was heading down the stairs when my phone pinged, it showed a message

     Be warned kitten, this is just the beginning. Too bad I had to hurt your little friend

     From a weird number, who the hell is this.

    Now I'm stuck between talking about this or not because some of Kayden's friends are here. Well I'll stick to Amelia for now.

      "Mel come over" I called out from the stairs

      "did Kevin call" she said rushing over like it's an emergency

       "no" I looked at her suspiciously "are you guys a thing"

     "not exactly he hasn't asked me yet but I think he will soon" she said hopefully "and besides if that happens you'll be the first to know" she winked

     "you should see this" I said holding up my phone for her. "uhh who is this" she squinted at the phone

     "oh my gosh" she exclaimed "this must be the creep behind the car incident"

      "I guessed same" I said rubbing my forehead, I can feel a headache coming on.

      "but hey I'm not little" she said frowning at the phone like she was going to beat it up.

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