Chapter 14

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Picture of Micheal and Caleb above. Caleb is Zac Effron eekkkkk!! I love Zac Effron but let's save the fan girling for later

   Remind me why I have an alarm cause right now I'm three feet away from breaking it. I rush into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth then go back to bed. Goodness I have a lot of notes and assignments to catch up on.

     I hate school

     I got back up picked up my English note and started my homework to pass time. I guess the nerd in me is active this morning. Kayden must have left to go pick my family, shocker is Damon's parents are coming too.

     I guess they had what I will call a bestfriends vacation which consisted of my parents, Damon's and Amelia's. They've been friends since forever and we the children are close. After some digging I found out Marcus (Damon's dad) was your typical ladies man and very popular back in his days. eww that makes him sound historical

    Carla his wife was a bitchy cheerleader but softened up because of love. Well she was always head over heels for him but he felt she was to spoilt and blah blah blah they still ended up together.

      Kobi (Amelia's dad) the brainiac always having perfect scores. President to many clubs and societies and surprisingly managed them well which explains why he's so successful. He wasn't born with a silver spoon but worked hard to get to where he is. He and Marcus were best friends, I guess that's where my dad comes in. He was captain to the rival schools football team, my mom and Jessica (Amelia's mom) where besties, my mom met my dad at a game and they hit off well from there.

      I really don't care to explain much after that so I'll skip back to this homework now, it's a lot and it's killing me but I suck it up and get ahead with it.

     Halfway through Amelia calls me "hey girl" she yells

     "I believe I will still get the message yelling or not" I say rolling my eyes even though she can't see me

     "yeah yeah grandpa didn't mean to burst your ear drums" she retorts boredly "anyway Kim sister is in town now"

     "uh cool" I mean seriously how does that affect me

     "my are you dumb, holdup lemme add her to the call" she says putting me on hold

      "hey sisters" Kim's overly high voice cuts the four second silence.

       "okay I get you guys are exceedingly happy this morning care to elaborate" I say annoyed. I know they're up to something from their happy tones

       "you know we are getting our hot asses to club neon tonight" Amelia cuts in cheerily

       "did Kim drag you into this"

       "ouch" Kim responds "come-on it won't hurt just one night"

        "that's the same line that most girls hear before shit hits the fan" I reply bored

        "aww come on what could possibly go wrong" Amelia whines
        "drunk and horny ass males feeling me up is what could go wrong"

        "pretty please k" Kim says in a baby voice

         "whatever I'm just going for the fun of it, anything uncomfortable and I leave capiche"

      "I'm home" Michel's over dramatic and loud voice rings out from downstairs "okay guys fam is home ttyl"
     I rush downstairs and spot Michael and Caleb "aww look at my babycake so grown up" Micheal speaks fake wiping a tear
     "Mikey" I yell going to hug him then turn to Caleb "God I missed you so much Cal" I smile hugging him tight

         "wow so I get a Mikey and he gets I missed you so much, how rude" Micheal speaks faking annoyance "my gorgeous self will now take a leave" he harrumphed leaving

       "how are you doing shortcake" he said kissing my head still embracing me

       "perfect, any special lady yet" I say wiggling my eyebrows
       "you never change do you" he chuckles to himself "well yes there is and you'll meet her soon"

       this piques my interest "ooh how does she look"

    "well you'll see, oh and be careful shortcake I'm still not pleased on what happened and I want you safe okay" he says staring at me "sure" I smile

    "go meet dad then, he's been aching to see you" I move outside and spot Kayden in mom's embrace with a red face. Well mom must be giving him the welcome speech or rather questions.

        I hope you've been reading baby

        have you been eating?

        I hope you toned the parties down

        show me your teeth I have to make sure you're still brushing....

    and so on, and boy does he despise that moment.

     Dad opens his arms wide with a smile and I jump into them as he hugs me tight after catching me mid air.

     oh goodness I missed my dad's hugs, sometimes when I'm down just a hug from him cheers me up

     Dad's voice snaps me put of my thoughts "look at my baby all grown up, I hope there are no boys yet" he says

     "Dad it's just been 2 months and unfortunately no boys thanks to the unpaid bodyguards" I groan referring to Kieran and Kayden

     He laughs loudly "good so Luca still has time" he whispers referring to Damon. My parents and his have always shipped us and still have their hopes high that we'll end up together. I blush and look away "don't think too much on it babycakes" he says with a smirk leaving my dad is such a tease!

    "Kiiarana Mirabelle Kerrington get your ass over here" my mom calls out angrily "aren't you gonna greet your momma" she says pouting I swear Micheal got his attitude from her. Kayden uses this opportunity to flee

   "of course mom I missed my twin" I say crushing her body into a hug

    On our way in we talk about everything that has happened and she tells me about the business. My mum runs a fashion house named Royale. As soon as I'm 20 I'll take over it and I'm so excited because even though I love science which I offer in school I equally love fashion.

     Once inside Kim calls to tell me to meet up with Amelia in her house, apperently she picked out my dress.
     I grab my bag and head out Kieran looks up from his phone "hey where you going"

     "the afterlife" I say rolling my eyes

     "fine fine don't bite my head off" he says with arms up in surrender

     "have you seen Kayden" I ask

     "went out with some friends" he replies without looking away from his screen

      I get in my car and drive off to Kim's home.



     The fam is back!!! What are your thoughts on this chapter? Comment and give your ideas


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