Chapter 1

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It's just a test
it's just a test
it's just a test

that was my mantra since 5 this Tuesday morning. You're probably curious why i was up so early, well today is the history test and I'm positive I'm the worst history student I've met and that's not because it's only three I've met but because I suck at it.

The highlight this morning is that I got Sam a new chewtoy, yeah that's my beautiful baby dog currently lying at the foot of my bed, yet that doesn't help calm my nerves.

"hey babycakes" my annoying twin brother burst into my room and landed on my bed "so I was wondering....."

"Yeah gimme a minute, before you burn down the house" I cut him off while mumbling the last part, he can't cook even if his life depended on it.

"I heard that" he called out skipping from my room.

I'm Kiiarana Mirabelle Kerrignton and that's my twin Kieran, I'm 16 and that's pretty much it. Rushing into the bathroom I quickly did my business threw on some jeans a grey sweatshirt and my emergency vans, yeah that's what I call it.
In front of my mirror I braided my hip length black waves and put on my favourite moon pendant necklace and stare back at myself, At 5ft7 I wasn't fat ,not in the least bit but I wasn't skinny either and I had a lot of curves in the right places probably more than what should be for my age but I'm not complaining.

Grabbing my tote bag containing my female necessities and of course my books I jug down the stairs with Sam following my every move I met my best friend since diapers, Amelia Brown by the counter and kieran's head stuck in the fridge .

"Thank goodness I'm starving, and I surely don't know how to eat frozen raw food" he complained slamming the fridge back

"shut up, that's a signal to go learn cooking"

"geez sorry, now please I'm starving" he strolled out with a soda in hand.

"so what are you making, I actually didn't eat before coming here"

"good morning to you to Mel, and it's pancakes and surely some coffee for Kayden's cranky ass"

"oooh Mr Crabbs did come home, never thought he'll make it home, kind of thought he crashed at Dylan's house" Amelia said with fake interest

"yeah he did come, hungover might I add" and as if on que Kayden stepped in and plopped on the stool.

"hi babyyy"Amelia squealed in the highest most annoying voice she could muster while i dropped his coffee and went back to making the pancakes

"damn woman shut it"

No no they aren't dating not even friends they just get a rise from annoying each other, weird right.

"finally, I'm not dying on the couch thank you Lord"Kieran mumbled while grabbing a lot and I mean a lot of pancakes and greedily scarfing them down. I pushed a plate in front of Kayden and another for Mel then settled down with mine.
We finished eating and parted our ways, Mel and I in one car then Kayden and Kieran in the other, if there's one thing I know about the boys it's that they love their cars. Unfortunately for Kieran his was seized temporarily by dad after a couple of speeding tickets.

So we spent the few minutes of the ride singing to no by Meghan Trainor.


History sadly was first and a freaking two periods long and that is where Mel and I are heading first, most of the classes I have are either shared with Mel or Kieran. As I looked around the hallway I wondered how it will feel without Kayden , he was leaving for college this year, we weren't exactly all around each other lately due to his exams but he and I were closest.

If you saw us together you might mistake us for twins, not because we look alike. He has my dad's face and I took my mom's but because he always makes sure I'm comfortable with him in or out of school and we share secrets together and spend almost all the the time together.

Kieran was more into his friends and although he added me in, most times I couldn't help but feel like a burden, I certainly didn't fit into his circle of popular friends nor the legion of girls who followed after his good looks. All my brothers that is Caleb, Micheal, Kayden and Kieran who were and are part of the football team breezed through this school part of the populars but I just don't fit in.

I'm not a nerd nor a geek maybe part of the crowd if there's anything like that, lol. Amelia and I are simply here for the grades and a bit of fun, though she's a real wildcat.

This prestigious school of mine, Greenville High is one of the best around and more or less private. We aren't exactly your typical highschool for the fact that the cheerleaders are relatively nice, but apart from that I guess we are the same.

Kayden always made me feel comfortable and I'll miss him a whole lot, with that last thought in mind I entered the class though still not prepared for the test.

yayyy first chapter finished, Sorry its short 😬 you're welcome to leave your thoughts on it in the comments ******just testing things if you love the book please mention it to your friends and don't forget to vote.

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