Chapter 25

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Kiiara's outfit above

   So it's a Friday and tommorow is my birthday, yes the big eighteen now a normal girl my age is supposed to be super excited but after the letters on Wednesday I can't sit still

   You're all thinking why haven't I spoken out but the threat on my brothers head is keeping me from saying a word

   I even received a text yesterday stating ' i'm still watching you' I'm restless on what's going to happen next will the person stop, will the person show his or herself what do I do.

  Fed up I decide to go outside for a walk, it's eight p.m and probably not the best time to go for a walk but I didn't care, I started receiving letters at my bedroom door and window yesterday night till now.

   Can you imagine, in my own freaking house, I didn't read any of the letters and have just been storing them in a shoe box under my bed

   If I have the courage sometime I'll take them to the cops for evidence but right now I'm too scared to risk anyone's life

  I walk out the house successfully escaping the notice of my family in the living room. Only if they knew how terrified I am right now.

Sometimes it's easier to say speak out when you're not in the situation but when you are in the situation you realize how hard it is to risk others lives and happiness, the guards stare at me strangely but don't question as I walk past them. I know what they're thinking

  'Where the hell is she going to at this time?' or 'Isnt tomorrow her birthday?' so many endless thoughts but I guess the biggest is 'why is she leaving without a car'

   I myself can't answer those questions but I guess I just need a walk. Atleast I'm powered up thanks to the strawberry juice I took before leaving, I don't remember refilling my fridge but oh well

   My phone starts pinging with messages I look at it, most from my brothers and parents but one stands out which makes my blood run cold

   It's from another anonymous number but definitely the same person it reads...

   I see you, Escaping me already that's funny. You can run K, I'll still get you -_-

   I look up and stare around I'm alone on the street I don't know where I am but it's far from home, I don't even know how I got this far but I'm near a jetty

   I start to feel dizzy and there's this constant ringing in my ears, I didn't take any drug did I. I don't have allergies either.

  What's wrong, I sit on the floor and drop my phone on the ground behind me, I feel terribly confused for no reason. I don't even remember how I got here again

   I begin sweating and breathing heavily then a call comes in, I look at the screen which says Kayden. Who is Kayden? Is this even my phone?

   I get up and begin walking again leaving the phone behind, about five minutes later it all stops and I feel refreshed what was that

   I look ahead and see a girl with her head in her hands on the floor, I draw closer and recognize her ...what is she doing here

   "Kim?" I call out more of a question. "Oh my gosh hey kiia" she stands abruptly trying to hide her bloodshot eyes

   "What's wrong" I ask concerned. "just thinking of Kieran" oh dear I feel bad for her

   "you know now you're here let me not ruin the birthday girls moment talking about my sad love life" she smiles

   "it's no problem actually and it isn't yet my birthday, five more hours to go" I smile. "forget that come check this out, I hope you're not scared of a little heights" she smirks

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