Chapter 3

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Kiiara's outfit above

  Today it was Friday, Amelia's here in my room snacking this early morning from my mini fridge, I have it for my emergency cravings at night and it's fully stocked she's wearing ripped jeans and a cropped top and she looks so good, feeling dressy.

      I pull on my mid thigh flowery dress and flats and a short jeans jacket. The dress has spaghetti straps and is tight at the top and flared at the bottom

         It barely reveals any cleavage since the front is high but still looks cute. Throwing up my hair in a bun still wearing my moon pendant necklace which Damon gave me on my 11th birthday I turn to Amelia "So......"

    "Aww you look so cute" she says pinching my cheeks and I swat her hand away

    "try again" I say crossing my arms trying to look mad

   "well you look beautiful ....that body though" she whistles fanning herself with her hands

      I laugh it off and we skip down for breakfast while chatting, I hear noises downstairs remembering some of the guys from the team slept over here last night including DAMON!!!
        Amelia and I look at each other and tiptoe quietly my main motive now is to leave without anyone seeing me but oh well
       "kiiara go change NOW" Kieran calls out looking pissed. Did I ever tell you guys that my brothers are over protective, probably not, well you know now. His stupid statement not only attracts Kayden who is now entering the parlour but some of the team mates in the kitchen and the rest coming down stairs

         Amelia on the other hand looks quite fed up with him "wow the bodyguards are on duty today, you should take a day off" she retorts sarcastically

        "You heard him" Kayden adds and as if sensing an argument the team leaves to any another place but here but not before someone calls out "nice legs sweetheart" which only fuels these alpha males anger I'm rolling my eyes in my head right now

         "Go change babycakes don't make me say it again"

      "what in the world is wrong with you animals that was embarrassing" I hiss at him

       "yeah you should leave your sister the hell alone" Amelia adds her tone clipped

      Kayden cuts her off "this doesn't involve you Brown"

     I grab Amelia's hand and storm off straight into my car shutting the door I flip them the bird before driving off leaving a stone faced Kieran and Kayden meanwhile hearing laughter

       "that was fun "Amelia says laughing and switching on the radio

       "I'm pretty sure what you mean is I got the upper hand yay" I say laughing " I'm not mad at them I just really wanted to do that" I say with a smirk ,this is not the first time they don't approve of my clothes but this is the fist time I got away with it

🎵you put the over in lover

put the x in ex

ain't no I in trouble just the u since we met

cause you're toxic boy

I ain't even gotta try to find

The G-O-O-D in goodbye🎵

      We're currently singing out the lyrics to Good in goodbye by Madisonbear at the top of our voices, we know we are making noise. She quickly lowers the volume.

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