Chapter 11

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  Picture of Trisha above

  Monday 4:00am on Northdale street......

    "Let's get this over with this week" the first person spoke up determinated

    They both looked at their first companion "don't you think that's a tad bit to early"

     "yes I agree we might get caught"

    "stop questioning me and do it, you both want this as much as I do"

      The third person shrinked back "I'm just doing it to scare her off, I don't really want it"

     "well you're in already so no way out"

      "I have a better idea, but first get me a skilled hacker" the second companion spoke

       "what do we need a hacker for" the third spoke clearly confused.

      "you'll soon see, but we must not be there when it happens"

       "let's start, time is money"


     Throughout Saturday and Sunday Damon was with me, in short I'll say he was utterly romantic but then we aren't dating so ouch.

     I did rushed into the bathroom, remind me why I woke up late. Oh I missed my alarm right

     I came out pulling on blue jeans, a tank top and my bright yellow large knitted sweater. It kinda looks like a shawl but it's see through and cute. I throw my hair in a high ponytail grab my bag and car keys then head downstairs. Today is gonna be hectic so no drama please mother Earth.

       Where is that girl "Amelia" I call out

       "over here" she replies

       I enter the kitchen, if she's not in my room she's in the kitchen. "breakfast served from Mel's kitchen" she says dancing around as she drops a plate of bacon and eggs infront of me and sits down to eat hers.

      "and why are you so happy"

      "is that a crime" she says with a mouthful of bacon

      "don't talk while eating silly"

      "yes Mom" she says smiling with a mouthful of eggs this time, I roll my eyes

      "well you happened to over enjoy your time with Damon that you forgot to ask about my date" she pouted

      "No I didn't forget" lies "how could I" more lies

     "anyway it was so romantic" she sighed dreamily

     "he said he hopes we can do it again" she continued still daydreaming

      "that's nice but we don't have all the time in the world to discuss about it"

      "you're right let's leave then"

    On the drive Kim called us to pick her up, we drove off to school chatting about how our weekends went, I've been with her brother a few times and now she said her parents anniversary and brother's birthday are coming up so they're leaving town.

    She wanted to follow but her mom doesn't want her missing classes.

    We've been having classes non-stop to make up for Friday since we got here and believe me when I say ninety nine percent of our school population is grumpy right now.

     The cafeteria is not buzzing as normal and everyone is tired. Kim apperently missed cheer practice twice and is quite afraid to come into the cafeteria with us, she doesn't want Charlotte or Blair to spot her or worst still Tarah who isn't captain but acts like one.

     With a lot of persuasion we are finally here on our table after getting our meal, the captain's aren't here so I turn to her.

      "see you didn't need to get so worked up" I smile at her

      "yeah she's so gonna kill me is still ringing in my ears" Amelia adds biting her apple fiercly

     "oh no look who's coming" Kim says sliding lower on her chair

      I see Tarah approaching our table with Trisha and a girl I don't recognize behind her.

       "where the hell have you been , if you can't keep up with practice you fall out" she spits with venom staring straight at Kim. Is this the time when I say they look like the mean girl squad.
      All three are in a pose like it's some photoshoot they're taking.

       "she doesn't even deserve a spot there" Trisha says flipping her hair

       They have already attracted the attention of the whole cafeteria "look I'm sorry guys it won't happen again" Kim says shrinking more into her seat

      Amelia stares at her like she's grown too heads. I'm sure she was expecting a sassy comeback but Kim's clearly on the wrong here

      "and upgrade your company, I don't expect you around lowlife's" Tarah continues

      "we'll hold it there b!tch I assure you that you don't wanna piss me off" Amelia stands shaking her fore finger in Tarah's face. Tarah backs away a little obviously scared of Amelia I mean who wouldn't at this point

     "uhh you know I think you should leave" I nod my head toward them

       "when did we start bothering about what you think" Trisha cuts me off "we don't even think about you" she sasses with her hands in her hips

      "that's because y'all never had a brain" I state like it's the most obvious thing on the planet

      we've drawn a crowd right now and I'm pretty sure most of them have the same thought -fight!

      but the bell rings and some sigh in disappointment

      "now that lunch break is over I'm hella sure I'm done here" she says grabbing my hand "and we're leaving, so sort your sorry asses out" she says shoving them out of the way pulling me along with her

       she turns back to look at Kim "well are you coming or not" she stands up and scurries behind us as we leave.

       After that incident two days have passed and I'm now getting into my car with Amelia who is belting out the lyrics to 24k magic by Bruno Mars.

      I spot an old black worn out pick-up truck down the street that's weird, all my neighbors drive brand new cars, this is the rich side of town. Not giving a second thought to it I start my car and drive thank goodness the roads are free today ,one minute later I look in the rear view mirror to see it following me.

     maybe I'm just being paranoid. I continue driving after some time it speeds up.

      "Mel" I whisper, wait why am I whispering

      "Why are you whispering" duhh I just asked myself that

       "that car is following us"

       She turns to look at it "yeah I feel so too but why is it speeding up"

       "I have no clue"

       "look turn there" she points to a T-junction.

       "but it's not on the way to school"

       "just do it we'll make sure it misses us on that road" I turn sloppily almost knocking off a sign board, don't blame me I'm not Dominic Toretto

      I turn to look if it's still behind us and it is but I notice something else "oh my God Mel look, it's got no driver" I exclaim scared

       "WHATT" she screams staring at the car.

    What happened in the beginning. Trisha and Tarah are such b!tches btw Who or what do you think is controlling the car. Thoughts on this chapter?

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