Chapter 16

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   I draped my leg over my pillow trying to get more comfortable, it moved and held me. wait my pillow held me?

I lazily opened one eye and stared at the chest infront of me as the memories of last night came flooding in, shit he's my first. I really don't know how to behave after this.

I tried getting up but his arm and leg held me down and I felt so sore, like I ran a marathon three times. Aw man I'm hungry too. I began poking his chest, he grumbled grabbing my hand then slept off with my hand in his.

What do I do? i blew air on his chest repeatedly and he groaned. "sleep calla" he pleaded placing me on his chest and wrapping his arms around me just great

I waited five minutes and he still hasn't woken up then a naughty idea came to my mind. I slowly moved my hand to his shaft and rubbed it, his eyes shot open and I stopped haha mission accomplished

"can I stand up now" I whined trying to wiggle out of his hold, causing my bosom to repeatedly rub against his chest and the action didn't go unnoticed by him

"do I get a morning kiss" he smiled lazily

"no" I snapped frowning, he looked confused. "morning breath" I mumbled looking anywhere else but him.

"I really don't care" he pouted puckering his lips for a kiss "well I do" and with that I pushed off him and headed into the bathroom forgetting I was stark naked, he whistled staring at my ass and I instantly remembered and rushed into the bathroom locking the door while he laughed at me.

I did my business and came out in his bathrobe, I saw his white shirt folded neatly on the bed with his boxers how sweet but then I remembered I got no bra, oh well.

I pulled it on but his boxers kept falling, stupid boy and stupid large waist luckily the shirt was large enough to my mid thigh I went downstairs to see him in a boxer and an apron by the stove

I can't believe we did it but I'm trying not to focus on that now and just remain cool "what are you making" I said trying to peer over his large shoulders.

"good morning to you miss, this is what I call Luca's Sunday special" he said faking a British accent, damn he doesn't need to fake he nailed it and that's sexy what am I thinking

"never knew you could cook" I eyed him in wonder

"never bothered to ask" he retorted. Ouch that's true though but whatever he's cooking smells amazing, I busied myself chatting Amelia

Skai🌻: hey babe sorry for ditching you guys yesterday

Skai🌹: no p, I got a hottie but his 🍆 was too small for me so I ditched him and drove to Kim's

Skai🌻: I'll behave like I didn't read that my virgin eyes

Skai🌹: virgin my ass I bet that with the way Damon was staring at you in the club you guys must have done the dirty

Skai🌻: .......

Skai🌹: you bitch details I want details. Lemme call you

Skai🌻: NO!! he's here

Skai🌹: then we meet later and that's final

"food is ready" Damon sang placing a plate of curry rice and spiced chicken on top. "you really are making me wanna lose my table manners"

He laughed hard "and why is that" he said placing a plate for himself and sitting down "this food looks and smells amazing" I said and quickly dug into the food
I moaned as it hit my taste buds, I love spicy and he made it a bit sweet too. "it tastes so damn good" I said with a mouth full

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