Chapter 18

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   Damon and I have been dating for a month now and honestly it's the best feeling. Initially Kayden wasn't comfortable with it but when he saw how happy I was he sucked it up.

    He sends me gifts almost all the time and takes me to places, he got me the huge fluffy bunny I'm currently laying in in my bed. I've obviously noticed our parents are ecstatic about it.

    Most times he calls at night when he doesn't stay over and we talk TDB, and yes we've become one of 'those couples' cliche right

     All the 'you end the call' 'no you end the call' and the likes, we don't even realize when we do it but we laugh about it after

    I pick up my phone and scroll through all our photos together, my favorite is the one where we wore matching shirts and sneakers when we went to the zoo.

   A message came into my phone from Damon 'hey babe' 

   I start chatting him back...


   Nick's POV

   I was working at my afternoon shift in Bella's cafe, what I didn't tell Kiiara is that I work here then after my shift I stay in my usual spot where she met me that day

   I've always got a crush on her but I didn't know how to say it, she's sweet and carefree and those are just a few things I love about her, it hurts me every time I see her with Damon getting all cozy

   One thing I know is I won't give up yet, they'll probably break up since Damon will be leaving for college soon I hope, the bell snaps me out of my thoughts and her friend Kim walks in

    "Hey lover boy" she smiled taking a seat at the bar stool infront of me

     "Kim right, what can I get you" I never really liked the girl but since she dates Kieran I guess I'll just suck it up

      "don't be so formal silly but a frappe will be nice" she replies leaning on one hand

      "coming right up" I say ignoring her comment

      "so you like Kiiara don't you" she speaks trying to make small talk "what makes you think that" I say pouring her drink into a cup

      "please everyone noticed it I'm pretty sure she has too" she states

      "and?" I asked raising a brow

      "why didn't you make a move" she questions

      "what are you aiming at" I ask her irritated

      "well my point is you may still have a chance, I'm not being a bad friend but I know when Damon leaves she'll be heartbroken and besides we all know he doesn't stick to one girl it's a wonder that they've been strong for a month"

       I pause digesting everything she just said then I take her drink and place it in front of her "so is this what bestfriends do to each other, shade their relationships behind their backs"

      She looks taken aback but straightens up "I'm just looking out for my friend and you're an asshole if you think I'm trying to hurt her" she hisses standing up

      "think about what I said" she calls out sauntering out the doors.

      I won't tell her but that strengthened my conviction to make Kiiara mine I won't stop till she tells me she doesn't want me but I'll still love her nonetheless

   Damon promised to come over later today, I've been watching Netflix for some time now and I slept off.

    everywhere was dark, pitch black
       someone approached me from behind "say your last words kitten"

       "who are you show yourself" I yelled trying to keep the fear at bay

       "but where is the fun in that" the person taunted. Have I heard that voice before?

       "I warned you so many times but you just don't listen" the taunting continued

       "man up and come out" I screamed trying not to break into tears

        I'm so high up it's fvcking freezing up here. A figure started approaching then everything went black

        I woke up screaming not another bad dream, what's all this about. I reached over to my mini fridge and grabbed my strawberry juice and some strawberry ice cream I know it's too much sugar but this is my comfort food.

        Are the dreams trying to tell me something a knock on my bedroom door catches my attention

      "come in" I call out

      "woah did I miss a slumber party" Damon says staring around my room. pillows and teddys are all over the floor and there are tubs of strawberry Ice-Cream on my bed.

      "is something wrong calla" he says sensing my mood, he picks up the ice cream and returns it to the fridge then gathers the pillows and teddys.

     "just nevermind" I say waving off the nightmare "I wanna hug you" I pout stretching out my arms, he gives an amused smile before climbing my bed and scooping me into his arms.

    yay we're cuddling

    "wanna talk about it" he says kissing my neck "can we forget it please, I just wanna cuddle" I brush him off pressing my face to his chest and drawing the duvet over us.

      Poor Nick he really does like Kiiara a lot. Do you think Kim was looking out for Kiiara or was purely jealous. Damon and Kiiara are serving us cuteness overload ;) Please do comment your thoughts it really does help OMG guys we hit a hundred thanks so much❤️

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