Chapter 19

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   Today is the big game, the earlier weeks have been full of practice. I didn't even get to see Damon or my brothers, I really do hope they win cause they worked hard for it.

    Kim left earlier with the cheerleaders to warm up while Amelia and I have been together since. I've noticed that Nick has been behaving a bit too flirty even Damon noticed it and he wasn't pleased with it

    He once placed his palm on my thigh and Damon went crazy when he saw it, of course I flicked it off but this behavior is so unlike nick. Apart from that Damon and I have been pegged the school's power couple and I'm loving it.

    "still thinking of the different positions you'll be in for Damon tonight" Amelia says slyly

    "shut up you pig of course not" I hiss, she laughs loudly catching the attention of passing students "mellow down you idiot, I'm just thinking of Nick he's been acting strange"

    "I thought I was the only one who noticed that sneaky bastard is up to something" she whispers dramatically

   "anyway did Damon give you his jersey to wear cause I've got Kevin's and I don't want to leave you jerseyless you know that's if that is a word" she sasses flipping her hair

   "yeah he did last night" I say pointing to my bag

   "ooh after you did the dirty right" she wiggles her eyebrows "I'm not answering that" I muse

    Later at the game we were all on our toes I have to give it to Dale's their footballers are good as hell, toward the end we were still on Home:1 and Away:1 Damon had scored a goal and some other meathead in the rival team

    The real highlight of the day was when Joe made an awesome pass which Kieran caught and scored a touchdown then the game ended, instantly the crowd went crazy. The cheerleaders were wild doing splits and all.

    Nick's POV

    I was so excited, we won I've wanted this for so long. I ran toward Kiiara, each time we met I ranted to her about the game damn I want to let her know how I feel about her.

  Before I reached her Damon already grabbed her and was kissing the life out of her, it seems like she's enjoying it. Some of the team members were there too and Kevin and Amelia were hugging.

   This isn't fair, it's meant to be her and I we were made for each other, as I watched them together I felt a part of me hurting, she was meant to be mine.
   She's on his jersey but she's meant to be wearing mine, fvck she belongs in my arms not his. I waited till a few minutes before the after party and walked up to her

   "hey Nick" her sweet voice rings through my ears "congrats on the game" she smiles

    I stay admiring her face shit I must be staring too much "thanks"

    "well I'll be leaving now Damon is waiting for me" she says turning to leave


   damon....screw him

    "wait" I run after her holding her arm "what is it" she frowns staring holes into my hand

    "I just....I really need to... fvck I have feelings for you Kiiara" I say seriously running my hand through my hair, her frown deepens

    "I have a boyfriend Nick please let go of my arm" she speaks clearly irritated this isn't how it's meant to go

   "look I don't want to be just friends with you, I want more, Damon will soon be leaving why date him"

   "that's none of your business now let go you're hurting me" shit I loosen my grip on her arm dropping my hands to my sides and digging them in my pockets

   "I've liked you for a very long time, dammit I'm in love with you"

   she laughed like fucking laughed. "That's not possible Nick you don't even know me, I'm not the girl for you I don't mean to hurt you or anything but that's just the truth"

    "just give me a chance please" I beg 

   "Nick don't put me on the spot, I'm sorry I don't feel the same way about you and I have a boyfriend who I care for way too much to cheat on" she smiles sympathetically

    "it's ok, I get you" I smile sadly as she smiles back

    "I'm sorry" I spoke up, she looked confused but before she could say anything I kissed her

      She pushed me back immediately "don't ever try that again" she hissed leaving

    I wish I made a move earlier maybe then it will be me she cares for like that

   Or me that makes her smile at a single thought

   just if...


     I climbed into Damon's car, I came with him so he's taking me home. He isn't going for the after party, he wants to spend the night with me but in a clean way, although I have other plans *wink

   I'm still thinking about Nick, don't get me wrong I don't have feelings for him, never had and never will I just feel bad breaking the poor guys heart

    "took you long enough" Damon says grabbing my face and pecking my lips before starting the engine and driving off. On a second note I'm more than ready for tonight

    Amelia and I planned to surprise Kevin and Damon if they win the game although Amelia still would have gone through with the plan whether they won or not
    Ladies and gentlemen my plan includes a certain sexy pair of Victoria's secret nightwear lying hidden in his bedroom but Damon doesn't need to know about that yet.

    While he's driving I place my hand on his upper thigh and slowly draw circles on it he stares at me for a moment lust evident in his eyes before going back to driving. Don't blame me he's just too hot

    He drives into the parking lot and rushed us into the elevator, there his hand slips under my skirt I quickly hold it to stop him and face forward smirking but not before noticing the bulge in his pants.

   He groans leaning back on the elevator walls. We reach our floor and I head off into his bedroom laughing at his frustrated expression, grabbing the bag I enter the bathroom and lock the door as he yelled me name

    This is gonna be a long night

   What was Nick thinking 😡, anyway Kimon are getting some action tonight. Any thoughts on this chapter??


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