You're a Saint *Chris Motionless*

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"I'm so sorry for calling, I know you're probably busy but... I can't do this Chris. I don't think I'm cut out for this whole parenting thing." I spoke, on the edge of a breakdown, as I sat outside my daughters room as she cried.

"What's going on?"

"I can't get her to stop crying. No matter what I do, I'm just not enough. I dont know what the problem is."

"I'll be right over.. Everything's gonna be okay, Kat." I felt guilty for bothering him and making him stop whatever he was doing but it had just gotten to be too much.

"I don't know, Chris... I mean I don't even know what I'm doing for gods sake!"

"Hey." He spoke sternly to catch my attention. "Take a deep breath, its gonna be okay. I'm on my way, okay? We're gonna figure this out together."

It wasn't but fifteen minutes later when I heard the front door open and shut over the sound of Shelby crying as I held her.

"Please for the love of god, stop crying. I dont know what you want." I begged the 4 month old as I held her and tried to calm her down. I had tried everything I could possibly think of and nothing worked.

As I noticed a figure in the doorway I looked up and my eyes met with Chris's. He walked over and scooped the baby up as if it was his own. That was another problem.. She wasn't his.

Shelby's dad walked out as soon as I told him I was pregnant.. He didn't want a child. And Chris and I had been friends for just about as long as I could remember, so when her dad left me pregnant he stepped in to help. We both ended up catching feelings for each other and we got together.

We still lived seperate... Mostly because I was being cautious and keeping Chris distanced from Shelby.. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea that he was her dad and end up hurt.

"Hey little thing." He cooed as he swayed side to side with her as she continued to wail. "Did you try a bottle?" He asked.

"Ive tried everything!" I raised my voice out of frustration, which caused her to cry even louder.. As if she could get any louder.

"Hey, its gonna be okay." He spoke to me, grabbing me and pulling me close to kiss the top of my head before he pulled me downstairs with them.

He made yet another bottle, as if mine hadn't been good enough for her and sat down at the kitchen table.

When he offered it to her, she drank causing her cries to silence.

"I'm not good enough for her.. I'm not cut out for this whole parenting thing, Chris. I mean I.. I love her but I can't do this. I haven't had any sleep since Tuesday night besides a twenty minute nap, she's always crying and I.. I'm losing my fucking mind." I ranted before dropping my head into my arms and letting myself cry.

"You're a good mom, Kat. You're just asking too much of yourself and stressing out too much. You just need a little help sometimes and I'm here now. Baby, Ive got this for a little while.. So why don't you go unwind, maybe soak in a bath or get some rest. I'll take care of her."

"But she's not your responsibility... You shouldn't have to- she's not yours."

"None of that matters. You need help right now and I'm here."

"But Chris-"

"But nothing, Katrina. You need help, you can't do everything all on your own and I mean.. Come on Kat, she needs a father figure." He spoke as he burped her. I couldn't lie, I loved seeing Chris hold her and take care of her, but at the same time I also felt bad. Because I knew kids weren't his thing and I almost felt like I had forced this upon him.

"That's not fair to you." I shook my head. "You shouldnt have to be stuck... You didn't ask for this, you didnt want kids."

"I signed up for this, okay? I knew damn well what I was getting myself into. No, I didn't want kids... But then I fell in love with you and she was a part of the deal. Kat, I love you and I love her.. You have nothing to feel bad or guilty about. Now go. Go get some rest, we'll be fine."

I gave him an unsure look, which he met with a stern look, causing me to sigh and obey him.

"You're a saint." I spoke as I stood up and kissed his head, before going off into the house. I ended up getting into bed and falling asleep, where I, for once, wasn't awaken by a screaming child.

Instead I woke up to soft kisses on my face and neck hours later.

"Where's Shelby?" I asked, my eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.

"She's asleep in her crib, chill Kat. Its like you think I'm gonna let anything bad happen to her." He joked.

"How did you-?" I trailed off, a little offended that I had been unsuccessful as getting her to sleep but he could.. And she was my child, not his.

"She's a baby, my love. All she wants is to eat and sleep... You know, I'm starting to think she can sense your stress and thats why she cries all the time."

"Well I'm so sorry it's stressful being a mom to a child who's dad walked out!"

"I don't mean that.. We all know her dad is a piece of shit. I meant that you dont ask for help even when you're drowning and you need it. You've gotta accept the fact that youre gonna need help sometimes. Raising a baby is alot, thats why its a two person job and not one." I ran my hands through my hair. "Baby, I'm your boyfriend.. I'm here to help, I love that little girl and I'm taking on this responsibility.. She needs a dad."

"Chris, I can't ask that of you."

"You're not asking anything. I'm telling you." He spoke, taking my hands in his. " I want to be her dad." Never in a million years did I think I would hear Chris say that he wanted a kid. " I want to be a part of her life, I mean I'm already in yours and I'm not going anywhere." Everyone knew Chris didnt care for kids... It was just the fact. I fell silent, thinking.

"I'll think about it, Chris."

The once peaceful silence was soon cut short by a screaming baby as Chris and I both got up and headed to her room.

He beat me to her crib, though I wasn't trying to make it a race, and as I stood against the door frame Chris reached into her crib and lifted her up, bringing her to his chest.

"Girl, you sure do have your mama's lungs, dont ya?" He cooed at her, giving me a goofy look. He sat down in the rocking chair by the corner and slowly rocked her while he quietly sang her songs. "You're gonna be the coolest little baby ever. Raised on good music with rockstar uncles." He told her with a smile on his face. She was gonna be something alright.. That was for sure.

Especially with Chris as her dad.

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