Forever and Always *Ricky Olson*

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Just wanna remind everyone that requests are still open.
But without further ado here is the smallest one shot in this book so far.. I tried, I really did but I don't wanna include smut in these so its a little short without that.

"Ricky." I repeated over and over as he was mumbling in his sleep and breathing heavily. "Ricky.. Babe... Wake up.. Ricky!"

"A-Ava?" He jolted as he woke up, choking on my name as he felt around in the bed for me.

"I'm right here, Ricky." I put my arms around him as he scooted closer to me, holding me tightly as if I would dissapear. His heavy breathing calmed down but I could feel hot tears fall on my arm where he rested his head. "Do you wanna talk about it baby?" I rubbed his back soothingly as he layed in my arms.

"N-no... I- it was just a bad dream."

"I know, but do you wanna talk about it?"

"I'm sorry I... Just go back to sleep. I'm fine."

"Babe, it's okay." I ran my hands through his hair and before long he had moved so his head was on my chest, an arm thrown around my waist.

"It's just the stress... Getting to me, I think. I get so caught up in work and.. In my dream you left me because of all the touring and work that comes with my job.. The worst part was that I couldn't even blame you for it."

"Ricky... You know I'm not going anywhere."

"I get scared that you will sometimes."

"Never,Ricky. I'll always be right here. I'll always be yours." I kissed the tip of his nose but that wasn't enough for him. He pulled me tighter against him as he placed his lips on mine. He kissed me like I was going to dissapear at any moment. "Ricky..." I whispered breathlessly as I pulled back for a moment. "I'm yours, in here and I'm not going anywhere." I reassured him. He nodded his head before reattatching our lips.

"I love you, Ava." He spoke against my lips. In a swift movement he flipped us over so he was on his back and I was ontop of him. It quickly got heated and for what felt like forever we showed our love to each other.

Somewhere in the midst of it all a storm had started outside, rain pouring against the windows and occasional flashes of lightning lighting up the room.

As I laid down beside him, our bodies sweaty and our hearts racing, he pulled me in closer.

"I love you baby." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too, Ricky. Forever and always."

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