Promises *Chris Motionless*

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Fair warning this one is pretty heavy and emotional. Someone get our girl some tissues....

"Daddy, please. Daddy, Don't leave me. Come on baby, no Chris.. Don't close your eyes. Please you have to stay awake, you cant leave me." I begged, sobbing as I did everything I could to keep him awake but he was slowly drifting off. "Please daddy, you promised me forever. Dont go, please. You can't." He was losing too much blood and help wasn't coming fast enough.

"Please Chris. Please daddy no. No, no, no." I panicked as his eyes shut, his breaths growing shallow. "Open your eyes, please. Please." I sobbed into his chest as I laid next to him on the dirty ground. I couldn't be without him. If he was leaving this world, than so was I. But for the moment he still had a pulse as I held onto him for dear life.

When I heard the sirens they grew loud quickly as they sped our way, men jumping out and coming to our aid. They pulled me away, but I fought them the whole way. I screamed and kicked and cried. Any one passing would think I was insane, the way I had acted.

I heard screeching tires and moments later I was pulled into a warm body.

"Sh sh sh." The familiar voice shushed me. "I've got you, it's alright." I shook my head quickly against his chest.

"I can't lose him. He can't leave me. Ricky, he promised me forever I cant lose him. I cant, I'm so scared. I dont know what to do, I- I can't."

"Hey, deep breaths Bell." He spoke firmly, pulling me back from his body and gripping my chin, forcing me to look as him as he guided me through a few deep breaths. "There we go. Good."

"I can't lose him, Ricky." I broke down again, losing any progress we had made. "You don't understand, I can't."

"Hey." He picked me up, holding me against his body as my legs went around his waist and I buried my face in his neck. "He's gonna be okay, Bell. Calm down."

They rushed him to the hospital, and Ricky put me into his car, following the ambulence as he made a few calls on the way.

When we got there we were forced to wait in the waiting room and Ryan made his way over to us, he had already beat us there.

"What happened?" He asked. Ricky, once again, held me in his arms as I sobbed into his neck.

"Its all my fault. Its all because of me. I should be the one dying." I shook my head as I let it all out.

"Hey, hushhh princess. You can't blame yourself for this. Stop that." Ricky spoke firmly. "Chris was hit by a car.. Guy was going way to fast and wasn't paying attention either." The scene played over and over again, causing me to grab my head and let out whimpers that grew louder with the passing seconds untill a shrill scream escaped my lips.

"Anabella, listen to me. Listen baby." Ricky tried getting my attention. I just wanted it to stop replaying in my mind but I couldn't make it stop.

"Please Ricky, make it stop. Please." I begged, feeling helpless and like I had no control over my own mind. I felt him grab my hands in his, noticing the fact that I was now sat on a hard surface, causing me to open my eyes.

"Bell, breath sweetheart. Take a deep breath.. In.. And out.. There you go baby, again.. Breath in... Out. Good girl." I was calm enough to realise I was sitting on a bench and we were now outside. Ricky was crouched down infront of me, both my hands in his as our entertwined fingers rested on my knees and Ryan was off to the side, on his phone. "I know its really hard sweetheart, but we just have to try to be postive. Chris is strong, and stubborn. He's not gonna leave his baby girl behind.. He'll be okay. He has to be." Ricky looked away from me but I didn't miss the tears that fell down his face, even through my own blurry tear stained vision.

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