All about her *Ryan Sitkowski*

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"Babe... Come back to bed." Ryan whined, his voice even deeper from just waking up. She stood by her side of the bed and Ryan took in every inch of her. Wondering how he ever scored an absolute angel like her. Never mind angel, make that goddess. She stood in only a pair of her panties and one of his shirts. God, he couldn't get enough of her in his clothing. And that black button up that was on her currently? Enough to bring him to his knees. It came mid thigh and was a size or two too big but Jesus did it look good on her. The marks on her neck, that he had put there as he claimed his territory last night were the perfect accessory too.

"Ry, I gotta head back to my place." She sighed. He reached over and grabbed her hand, yanking her down beside him.

"Please baby..." He trailed sleepy, messy kisses up her arm, over her shoulder untill he got to her neck. "Just let me keep you to myself. I promise I'll... I'll make you breakfast in bed if you want. Chocolate chip pancakes.. I'll take you out, anywhere you want to go. I'll give you anything."

"You know it's my mom's day with me.. She only sees me once a week."

"It's only one day baby. You guys can make that up. Come on." He placed a kiss on her lips before pulling back and her eyes found their way to the hickies on his neck and the bruises and bite marks on his shoulder which turned her a little red. God she didn't want to see his back, she could only imagine. "Just tell her you don't feel good."

A nice Saturday morning spent with Ryan did sound pretty good.

"We can just lay here and cuddle for a while and then get up, take a shower together and I'll start on that breakfast."

Annnddd he had her there. She texted her mom, saying she didn't feel well and that she was at her friends house before climbing back under the covers. His arms went around her as he kissed all over her face before finally cuddling up to her, bringing her tightly against his chest.

He loved the feeling of just holding her. They didn't speak, just enjoyed the company of each other. After a couple hours however they both got up and took a shower together. When they were finished Ryan started on the breakfast he had promised her while she got ready.

When she was dressed and sat at the table Ryan sat plates of food down for both of them, joining her as he poured them each a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you Ry."

"Anything for my girl." He gave her a smile. They made small talk during breakfast and put the dishes in the sink when they were done.

A knock at the door startled them both and Luna shot a questioning glance at Ryan. Did he have plans with someone else he had forgotten about. He shrugged, going to the door and opening it to be greeted by Justin.

"Hey man.. What are you doing here?" Ryan asked him.

"Well I tried to call but you didn't answer.. We good to hang today?" Ryan tried to think of making plans with him for that day specifically but came up short. Justin finally entered and Ryan closed the door behind him.

"I uh-" Ryan started, scratching the back of his neck. Justins eyes found Luna and they both froze.

"It's fine, Ry. We'll hang out another time. You guys have fun." She spoke, heading to the bedroom to get her stuff. Ryan was quick to run over to her and grab her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

"Baby, no. I didn't beg for you to stay for nothing." He joked. "Please.."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise...?" Justin spoke but it came out as a question.

"It's fine..  It's not like I told anybody."

"Look, just call me later. I'm gonna go bug one of the guys." Justin left, leaving the two lovers in silence.

"Im sorry, angel. I'm all yours though." Ryan apoligized. They quickly got over it and ended up making their way to the mall, shopping at various stores for all kinds of things.

But of course things were always interrupted. His phone was going crazy with calls and texts untill finally, fed up, he answered.

"What? What do you want?" He grumbled, his girlfriend resting her hand on his arm. He couldve been a little nicer.

"Dude! You and Luna? Really?" Vinny's voice rung through and Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah.. So? What about it?" He and Luna had been friends for years, dating for weeks now but he had kept quiet about it. It wasn't that he didn't want them to know but he just didn't want to deal with all of that. Including what he was dealing with now.

"Why didn't you tell us?!"

"For this reason, Vin. You're making it a big deal and it's not."

"Dude.. Youre dating Luna of all girls. Not a big deal?!" Sooo maybe some of the guys had oogled over her... And now Ryan had won her over.

"We'll talk later." He sighed and hung up.

"You okay baby?" She asked him, looking up with those beautiful blue eyes of hers. He rested his hands on each side of her face, leaning down.

"Just fine." He pressed his lips to hers. "I'm with you, so it couldn't get any better than this." It was cheesy, but true.

He'd deal with the guys later, but for now it was all about her. Lately his whole world seemed to be all about her and he wouldn't want it any different.

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