Tattoos and Spilt Coffee *Chris Motionless*

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The doorbells chimed as the tall man walked into the small shop.

The girl who was sitting in a chair at the front desk, looked up and dropped her pen. She got up and made her way over to him.

"Hey baby." Chris greeted her.

"Hey Chrissy."

He kissed her cheek as one of his arms went around her waist. "These are for you, my lady. Congradulations baby." He handed her a bouquet of roses.

"Thanks Chris." She smiled at him. Honestly she couldn't have done it without him. She placed a kiss on his lips before he took a seat in the chair that was set up at her station. As she sat back down at the front desk she bit her lip, fixing her gaze on him.

"What?" He laughed, unsure as to why she was staring at him.

"Are you really sure about this? Like really really sure?" She was nervous. Sure she was good at art and she knew what she was doing when it came to tattoos but.. She cared about his oppinion more than anyone else's... And she was gonna have to see this tattoo every day for the rest of her life.

"I'm sure, Sky. Now let me see it." She showed him the design, biting her lip as he hovered over her shoulder so that they were looking at it together. "It looks good baby, let's do it." He nodded after she explained the flow of it. He gently put his thumb on her bottom lip, pulling it away from her teeth. She was going to hurt herself some day if she kept up that nervous habit of hers.

It was just the two of them in the shop so it wasn't a big deal when Chris took off his shirt and unzipped his jeans as she printed the stencil.

He made himself comfortable in the chair and soon enough they got to work.

"You know this means that I get to tattoo you now." Chris joked at some point through the tattoo, after the lines were down and they had started on color. Skylar paused, lifting the machine up as she stared blankly at Chris. "I'm just kidding baby." He told her, laughing.

"You know, Id almost let you." She shook her head before lowering the machine back down and continuing to tattoo just under his hip bone. Her head was teasingly close to a certain area and Chris did everything he could to keep that off of his mind.

"You'd let me?" He asked, shocked. I mean it wasn't every day that someone trusted their significant other with a tattoo gun... Especially when he didn't really have an artistic ability per say.

"Something small... But sure." She nodded her head, never breaking her concentration. She really didn't want to fuck this up. It had to be perfect.

After a total of three hours spent on the tattoo she finally wiped it clean and they went over to the mirror so that he could see it. Her eyes never left his face as she watched for his reaction. "I love it baby. You did a good job." He smiled as she chewed on her lip nervously. Noticing that, he turned around and pulled her lip out of her teeth again and kissed her. "You and that fucking habit." He growled, giving her a small smile after to show that he wasn't actually upset. It wasn't her worst habit but he still wished she would stop. Their lips found each other's again but moments later the bells interrupted them.

They broke away and she cleared her throat as she turned to greet the person.

"Oh.. It's just you." She let out a breath as she noticed it was one of her other artists.

"Uhh.. Should I just leave?" Kaitlyn asked, feeling awkward as she took in the scene; Chris's jeans unzipped and slightly pulled down as well as his shirt being off, Sky's blushing face, their arms around each other and she had caught a moment of their kiss before the two had pulled away from each other. Oh god, what had she interrupted?

"No I.. Um. No, it's fine. We were just finishing up... With the tattoo I mean. Oh my god. Uh, Kait this is Chris, my fiance. He graciously let me tattoo him."

"I couldn't not have a tattoo from my baby." He kissed her forehead.

"Ohhhh this is Chris? Damn Sky..well Chris, if you'd like a round two of whatever this really was.. Feel free to hit me up." Sky didn't take the comment very well.

"He's about to be married..  To me Kait. And really, it was just a tattoo." Skylar rolled her eyes, taking Chris back to the chair where she cleaned him up once again and bandaged the tattoo. She was aware that Kait never stopped staring at the area Sky was working on. After they finished and he put his clothes back on they walked over to the front counter.

"Hanging with Ricky?" Sky asked him.

"How'd you guess?" Chris acted surprised and she gave him a blank expression in return. "Sooo can I come pick you up for dinner in a while? Its the least I could do Sky."

"Hmm.. I suppose." She rolled her eyes, jokingly playing hard to get just a little.

"Then it's a date. I'll see you later Mrs. Cerulli."

"I'll be here waiting, my love." She pecked his lips. "Have fun with Ricky. Tell him hi for me."

Hours later he returned, walking into the shop he was greeted by loud music and the sounds of tattoo machines.

"Hel-" she had started to greet as she stopped her machine. She noticed it was Chris and cut herself off. "We're almost finished, then I'm all yours."

"So Chris," Kaitlyn started as she spun side to side in the office chair at the desk, currently not having a client. "How did you two meet?"

"Uhh." Chris's reluctance to answering made Kait smirk, figuring it would probably upset Sky that he didn't remember. "In a coffee shop in Ohio, July of 2016. She uh, actually spilt her coffee all over me." Chris wouldn't ever forget that. He glanced over at Sky to see her smiling as she continued to work.

"You might have a keeper." Her client joked.

"Oh yeah I do." Sky stole a quick look at Chris. "Best thing that's ever happened to me." She mumbled, either to herself or her client based on how quietly it was said.. But Chris still managed to hear it and it was his turn to smile. Kaits plan was heading south quickly and as Sky finished the tattoo, cleaned it up and bandaged it Kait wasn't sure how to save the day for herself. Honestly she wasn't interested in Chris for all the reasons Sky was. Instead she saw the same things his ex did; fame and a way to get to the top.

After Sky had her client cashed out she put her jacket on.

"Clean up and get my station broken down, please. I'll be back to close up." Chris put an arm around her as soon as she stood beside him, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

With that they left to have dinner together. As cliche as it was Chris never let a day pass without realizing how lucky he was to have met Sky. She was just so different and it was refreshing to have someone want him for him.. Instead of all the money and fame that came along with him.

And at dinner that night, just like every other night since he had proposed, he knew she was it.

She was still the one he wanted and always would be.

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