Drunken Nights *Chris Motionless*

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"I can't do it anymore. Like I've just gotta cut it off." Kelsey told the boys around her.

"Tried to tell ya.. That whole calling every twenty minutes was a red flag weeks ago." Ryan told her, Vinny agreeing with him.

"He drives me fucking nuts. Hes like a lost puppy or some shit like hes always up my ass." Yes, every girl wanted their man to give them attention... But not calling every half an hour, getting mad when she didn't answer.. Getting mad over the littlest things. He claimed to not be a control freak but.. That's exactly what he was.

"You need me to handle it?" Ryan asked. He didn't mean it in a dissrespectful way, he knew she could handle her own.. But he also knew that this dude had already given off enough red flags that none of the boys really trusted him.

"I mean I'll take care of it but.. I might need you guys. I don't know." She sighed, putting her head in her hands.

"C'mere." Vinny spoke, putting an arm around her. "You got this." She really wasn't a mean person. Like she'd given the dude more than enough chances and felt bad doing what needed done but she couldnt just let it go on.

"I know breaking things off over the phone is frowned apon But.. I think maybe that's what you should do." She looked at the men who sat around her and since they all agreed she decided that was what was best.

"I feel like such a bitch." She sighed, pressing the call button by his name and leaning into Vinny for the support.

"Don't. You'd be a bitch if you let this go on further and played him. You're doing the right thing."

"Hey. Whats up?" The male had answered on the other end.

"Uhm.. I uh-" she was at a loss for words and she looked to the men around her for help.

'We cant see each other anymore.' Ryan had mouthed to her.

"Listen.. Youre a good guy.. For somebody. But that somebody isnt me. Im so sorry but I can't date you anymore. I hope you find a really cool girl and have a good life... Goodbye." She was quick to hang up before she rested her head in her hands. She felt stupid.

"Welp that works too." Vinny busted out laughing. Ryan excused himself before coming back with a bottle of alcohol and a few shot glasses. He poured each of them a shot and they cheered to her new freedom.

Vinny was just glad to see the guy out of her life. He hadnt spent a whole lot of time with him but he had already gotten awful vibes from the guy and knew that something was going to go south eventually so he was glad she was able to dodge the bullet.

It was two hours later and nine shots in when she had called Chris.

"Hey bestie!" She had greeted him when he answered.

"Hey... You good?" He laughed, caught off guard by the extra energy. I mean she was always happy to talk to him but this was a bit much.

"Oh I'm great. Never been better.. So hey, are you busy right now?" Chris sucked in a breath as he shook his head to himself.

"Where are you?" This wasnt exactly the first time she had called him drunk. I mean to be fair with his straight edge status he was always a safe bet. But besides that they were best friends so she knew she could always call him.

Motionless in White One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now