Pizza and A Movie? *Ryan Sitkowski* Valentine's 2024

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'Pizza and a movie?' Ryan had sent in the morning. They had already established that they were definitely doing something together, but they never figured out what that something would be.

'Sure. Let me know what time.' She responded almost immediately, which probably meant she was sitting at her desk bored at work.

'Just head on over after work.' He texted back before getting dressed for the day.

He admired Kendal's self discipline. His day never started before eight am, but she was a whole other story.

Kendal was always up at five in the morning. She would put her makeup on, get dressed and ready before making breakfast and coffee for herself. She would head out the door with her water bottle and bag to be at work by seven.

The girl had it together, that was for sure. And Ryan loved it. There was something so attractive about it all to him.

Ryan kept himself busy up untill around two. He had ran some errands and grabbed some groceries as well as a few other things for the night.

Afterall it was Valentine's day and Kendal deserved to be spoiled. So Ryan had grabbed her some flowers while he was out as well as a cute stuffed animal and a giftcard to Ulta.

Ryan couldn't name her favorite perfume for the life of him, and she had so much makeup that he wouldn't even know where to start when trying to pick her something. So while it was a bit of a copout at least it was something.

He got home and parked in his driveway, taking everything into the house and putting away the groceries before taking care of Kendal's gift. He cut the flowers and put them into a pretty pink vase then put the stuffed animal and gift card into a red gift bag with some white tissue paper that had hearts all over it.

He sat everything on the kitchen island before getting together all of the ingredients they were going to need for tonight's dinner.

So maybe he had tried to make it seem like all they were doing was ordering a pizza and watching a movie, but Ryan had more up his sleeve than that. Two knocks at the door were heard before it opened and his Girlfriend walked in. She took her jacket off at the door, hanging it up before putting her keys on the coffee table.

"How was work babe?" Ryan asked, walking over and taking the girl in his arms.

"Boring as ever." She smiled sarcastically, leaning up to kiss him. "So what are we watching?" She asked as they broke apart.

"Your call. I picked the meal, you pick the movie. They made a good couple in the sense that they always kept everything fair. "C'mon." He led her into the kitchen and to the counter so they could start on dinner together.

"These are pretty, Ry." She smiled, looking at the flowers.

"Glad you think so. Happy Valentine's day beautiful." Ryan scooted them and the bag closer to her, putting a huge smile on her face.

"You'd rather I skip out on your favorite holiday? Come on babe." He rolled his eyes, laughing at his girl. Though he did it all because he wanted to, he would take any excuse to show her how much he loved her.

"Well yours is in the car. I just-" She broke off, flustered as she played with her hair in nervousness. "It's a little silly."

"Stop." He smiled, gently gripping her arms to gain her focus. "Nothing you get me is silly. I know I'll love it." He pressed a kiss to her nose and she quickly headed out to her car, returning with a black gift bag which had red tissue paper.

By now he had started on dinner so they sat the gifts off to the side and helped each other make the pizza. Ryan rolled the dough out onto the pan while Kendal spread the sauce on and Ryan put the cheese on it. They took turns putting on toppings before putting it into the oven. Ryan quickly popped the cork off of a bottle of red wine and poured then each a glass before returning to the presents. As they sat at the island they exchanged bags and dug into the contents.

"Silly? Babe, this is so sick!" Ryan exclaimed as he read the box to the bracelets she had gotten them.

They were the ones where you could feel your partner's heartbeat with them. It was gonna make touring maybe a bit easier with this to hold.

They thanked each other for the gifts before cleaning up around the kitchen while they waited for the timer to go off.

Finally when it did Ryan cut the pizza and put the slices onto a big plate, sitting it in the livingroom on the coffee table to cool while they looked through Netflix. They settled on a romantic comedy that Kendal had pointed out and got settled in with their wine and pizza. The two were cuddled up, covered with blankets on the couch. Safe and sound in their own little world.

"What do you say we go hit up the little bakery downtown for dessert?" Ryan purposed when the movie went off and the pizza was all finished.

They ended their night sharing cupcakes in the downtown bakery while the world passed them by, the darkness growing deeper as it got further into the night. Only when the shop closed did they go back to Ryan's to cuddle up in bed and fall fast asleep wrapped in each other. Another Valentine's for the books.

P.s. is anyone good at making covers? I'd really like to get a better cover as a reward for this book hitting 40k.

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