Weirdest Dream *Chris Motionless* Sci fi

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Alrighty... This one was requested. I apoligize in advance because I know its not the best sci- fi isnt really my forte but I tried!
Also this one throws back to Halloween because lets face it.. We all miss it 🖤

It was Halloween night and the group stood under a full moon.

"So... What do we do next?" Ricky asked his friends. They had already went to a haunted house and earlier they had spent hours watching horror movies with lots of snacks and candy.

"We could.... Fuck, I don't know. Im out of ideas." Vinny had started confidently and ended up laughing it off.

"We could go to the cemetery.. Nothing more cliche than that." Jaime suggested, shrugging.

"I dont know.. I might just take a raincheck and head home early." Chris spoke, seemingly a little out of it.

"On Halloween? You're gonna take a raincheck on halloween plans? Are you even Chris?" Ricky rolled his eyes at his bestfriend. A short girl with long grey hair stepped closer to Chris and took his hand.

"Are you okay?.. Do you want me to go with you?" She asked, looking up at him with light green eyes. The eyes he had fallen in love with months and months ago.

"Its fine Corinne, just go have fun with everyone. I'll be fine." He gave her hand a squeeze.

"Chris... What's wrong?"

"I just don't feel very well.. My head and body aches." The group chit chatted a little while longer before Corinne and Chris got into his car and headed back to his place. He immediately layed down on the couch as his girlfriend cuddled up next to him.

"Do you want anything? Any pain killers?"

"Just your company my love." He held her close as he turned on netflix and tried to tune out the pain. But in the next couple hours it only got worse and worse.

"Thats it Chris. We're going to the hospital." She told him sternly as she got up from the couch. He groaned in pain as he squeezed his eyes shut. Corinne left the room quickly to get their jackets and when she came back Chris was gasping in pain. She wasnt sure how she was going to get him to the car all by herself but she knew they had to do something. After all the girl was only 5'3 and fairly small framed. Chris towered over her when they would stand next to each other.

"Baby.. Come on, lets go." She was worried and scared.

"Im fine love." He breathed out, but he was clearly anything besides fine. "Fuck!" He screamed in pain as he squeezed his eyes shut. The girl flinched and in a split second everything was suddenly quiet. No more groans, no more laboured breathing. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop so her gasp was heard throughout the house and it took everything in her not to pass out.

She had to be dreaming right? This wasn't real. It couldnt be... It wasn't. No way in hell. She closed her eyes and counted before opening again but saw the same thing. Where Chris had been laying now stood a black wolf.

"No no no." She held her head as she shook it. She was going insane. "What the fuck is happening?!" She collapsed to the floor, still holding her head. The wolf's eyes were concerned as he approached the girl slowly. He whimpered and pressed his snout against her thigh. He didnt know what to do. This was his girl and it was his job to calm her down but how could he when he didn't even have his hands or voice? Her eyes eventually met his and found that they were familiar. But how the hell was this possible? This wasn't Hollywood.. This stuff didnt exist right? She was clearly being proven wrong.

"Chris?" The girl whimpered. The wolf pressed his nose against her cheek and sat patiently infront of her. She flung her arms around the wolf's neck and buried her hands in his fur. The tears leaked from her eyes. She was scared and confused. What was she suppose to do? How long was he going to be like this?

The Wolf licked her tears away and layed down beside her as she sat on the living room floor. He laid his head in her lap and she eventually found herself petting the Wolf and cuddling up to him.

Corinne hadn't realised she had fallen asleep untill the next day when she woke up in Chris's bed. So it was all a dream? It made more sense than last night being reality. She rolled over and was met with Chris's beautiful brown eyes looking back at her.

"Goodmorning my love." His voice was rough.

"I had the weirdest dream." She shook her head.

"Corinne... I'm so sorry, I should've told you but.. I just never found the time and I didnt know how! You wouldnt have believed me anyways.. Im sorry." Her eyes widened.

"You mean.. You... Wolf..? It wasnt a dream?!"

"No, no it wasn't. And I get it if you dont want to be mine anymore. Ill understand, I know its alot and its crazy.. I wont blame you C-" She cut him off with a kiss.

"It is crazy.. And it is alot.. But I love you Chris, no matter what. Wolf or not."

She was in love with his heart and who he was. Nothing would change that.. And besides, he made a beautiful wolf if she said so herself.

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