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"I like Daddy's car better." The seven year old complained as she climbed into the backseat of my car.
"Yeah? Well, it's either mommy's car or the bus. Take your pick." I sighed, putting the car in drive after she had buckled her seatbelt. It wasn't a bad car, in fact it was actually really nice and decently new. Sure, it was a hand me down from Chris, but he had taken good care of it, barely put miles on it, and it was only a 2017. It just wasn't one of Ryan's expensive luxury cars.
I didn't get a response from the back as I left the school parking lot and drove us home. I hadn't meant to be so touchy, but life hadn't been too easy lately.
Between working four nights a week to provide for Blue and I, trying to co-parent with Ryan, and just trying to function on little sleep most days, I was wearing thin.
"This cars lame." She had mumbled as we pulled into the driveway, and she struggled to get her backpack and herself out of the car all at once.
"What's so wrong with it?"
"It's just stupid." She made a funny face at it as we walked inside. It's like nothing I could ever do was enough for anyone anymore.
"Then tell daddy to get mommy a new car next time you see him." I unlocked out door, letting us both in. "Do you have homework today?"
She sat her backpack down on the table as she nodded her head.
"Math." She had a sour look on her face.
"And spelling, but that's easy. Miss Wilson said I'm real good at spelling.""" I smiled at her accomplishment as I got started on making her a snack to go along with her homework.
As she pulled papers out of her backpack and spilled the contents of her pencil bag all over the floor I glanced up at her for a moment, accidently letting the knife slip thar I was using to cut an apple with. As I let out a string of curse words and grabbed my fingers, my phone started to ring loudly. All in a moment, I suddenly felt like I was drowning in chaos.
"Mommy! Don't say bad words!" My daughter yelled.
As I saw the name on my screen, I quickly slid the answer button, and his face showed up on my screen. I quickly grabbed for a paper towel to wrap around my bleeding fingers and kept the pressure on them.
"What? What do you need?" I answered, the stress evident in my voice, and he could see the chaos for himself.
"Well, I was calling cuz.. - doesn't matter. You okay? What's up?"
"Uncle Vinny!" My daughter yelled, running over. "Mommy said bad words!" She tattled.
"Blue, it was an accident." I sighed, grabbing my phone as she reached for it and scooting it further back onto the counter so it was out of her grasp.
"Need some help?" Vinny offered. Why was this boy in her life more than her own dad was?
"No. We're fine, Vinny. I got this. I can parent her on my own." I sighed.
"Oh fuck!" I heard as my daughter stomped her foot, looking at the broken crayons that laid on the floor.
"Blue Sitkowski! You do not say that word!" I called her down, rubbing my temple.
"Mommy said it."
"It was an accident. We don't say words like that. Alright?" I tried to have a calm tone but the world was testing me today.
"Anyways, what did you need Vin?" I asked, another sigh coming out with my frustration.
"I'm coming over. I'll be there in 15."
"Vin, no. You don't ha-"
"Save it Nav. Already heading out the door. See you in a bit." The FaceTime ended and I sat my phone down. After making my way down the hall I washed the blood off in the sink and put on a couple band aids.
It was times like this when I wished Ryan was around more. It wasn't easy being a single parent. But he was too caught up with the rockstar life than to be held down by a family.
I ended up having to throw out the apple since my blood had gotten on it so I started fresh on an afternoon snack and sat the bowl of strawberries and grapes on the table by Blue's homework. I then went off to the livingroom where I heard the TV playing.
"Blue, you know the rule." I was stern with her as I stood in the doorway.
"TV after homework." She mumbled, putting the remote back down on the coffee table and going back to the kitchen.
As we got to work on her papers I heard the front door open, before Vinny appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. His black jeans and black tshirt was weather appropriate but the fact that he had on his varsity jacket ontop of everything was insane. It was around sixty degrees out.
"Uncle Vinny!" Blue yelled as she got out of her seat and ran over, hugging his legs as he pushed his sun glasses up ontop of his head before bending down and hugging the girl.
"Hey trouble. Heard you were giving mommy a hard time." He spoke, offering her a fist. She bumped his back in their usual greeting before he got up and came over to the table, Blue returning to her seat.
"Its not her. It's just been alot today."
"Yeah? Well go chill.. or whatever. I've got this for a while."
"Vinny, she's not-"
"She's my niece and I like spending time with her, alright? She's not a bother, you're  not a bother and I'd be happy to hang here for a while. Alright?" I nodded my head, giving in as I stood up and made my way over to his chair, giving him a hug and thanking him. "You're doing a great job, Nav. Just take some time to yourself." He smiled before turning to Blue and her homework. Lord knew Ryan would never. He was too busy being selfish.
Speaking of the devil I took my alone time to dial his number and after a few rings he picked up.
"Hey. What's up?" He greeted.
"When are you going to spend some time with your daughter?" I cut to the chase.
"Navy, you know I'm busy right now. We've got a couple shows coming up and we're trying to make the next album."
"Save the bullshit and excuses for someone else. This is your daughter we're talking about. You can't make some time for her?"
"The band is alot of work."
"And Vinny's a part of two but he still makes more time for her than you do, Ryan. Come on." My voice cracked as a tear rolled down my face. This wasn't easy.
I heard a sigh on his end.
"Nav.. I- I'm trying here. What more do you want from me?"
"Some actual effort maybe. I don't understand why Vinny and Chris see this kid more than you do when you're her dad!" I was thankful for the guys, I really was. But that didn't make up for his lack of effort.
"I hear you. I'll work on it.... Nav. Navy, are you crying?" My lack of response gave him his answer as I heard yet another sigh from his side. "Don't cry babe. It'll be alright. Look, I'll come get her this weekend, alright?"
"I just want effort Ry. I'm tired of all of this. You have no idea how hard all of this is on me."
"I hear you. I'll work on it." He repeated.
"Navy!" I heard Vinny's voice call out before he knocked on my door. "I'm gonna take Blue to the park. Is that alright?"
"Is her homework done?"
"Mostly. We got her math done but she wants to do her spelling by herself."
"Alright... can you give me like, five minutes? Some fresh air and sunshine might do me some good."
"Yeah. We got you Beautiful. I'm gonna get her ready, we'll be downstairs." With that Vinny headed back down the hall and I turned my attention back to the phone call.
"Just put some effort in, that's all I'm asking, alright?"
"I'm on it."
"And I get that you like your luxurious lifestyle but please, tone it down for her when you have her around. I'm not trying to raise a brat." This made him laugh a bit.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because she's been complaining alot. The cars not good enough, why we don't have a gaming room.. all kinds of stuff and I'd just like everything to be a bit more cohesive between the lives we show her."
"Jesus. What a kid." His voice sounded amused.
"Your kid. That's what you've created... anyways, I've gotta go. Just text me I guess and we'll work out a plan."
"Alright, I will. I'll talk to you later, Nav. Be safe."
"Will do. Bye Ry." I hung up and headed downstairs, seeing the two waiting by the front door.
"You ready?" Vinny asked. With a nod of my head I grabbed my sunglasses off the entry way table and we were out the door.
I locked it behind us and we headed out to Vinny's black 4runner.
"Not this." Blue groaned, throwing her head back dramatically as after she had glanced at the car we were headed to.
"What?" Vinny asked her, opening the back door for her.
"I don't like this car. I like Daddy's better."
"Well you know what? Not everyone drives expensive cars and you should be grateful that it runs and you don't have to walk." Vinny lectured her, leaning down so they were eye level.
"But its not as cool."
"That's not the point. At least it can get us to the park.. unless you would like to walk instead?"
"No thank you." She shook her head dramatically, walking over to the car and attempting to get in but it was too high so Vinny quickly helped her.
"She's been on a kick since the last time she saw dad." I told Vinny after we had gotten in the car as well.
"Oh so it's not just mine?"
"No. It's the Cruz too."
"What a brat." He laughed. "Guess we need to get Ryan to get you a cool car."
"So she can be an even bigger brat? I mean it sounds nice but that's all it would accomplish."
"You know.. I know you don't feel like it today but you are doing a great job with her Navy. Not everyone can raise a kid on their own. I mean hell I'd go absolutely crazy."
"She's my baby. What other option do I have? It's not like Ryan has the time for her."
"Ryan just needs the real world to hit him upside the head. And we've all tried but..- it is what it is I guess." We headed to the park and Vinny and I talked as Blue played, occasionally joining in when she asked us to.
"I love you." I had mumbled to Vinny as we stood off to the side of the slide, waiting for Blue to climb up the stairs to go down it. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder, hugging him. I was more than thankful to have him in our lives. He put more effort in than her own dad and despite the fact that he didn't have to, he was still there for us. For the simple fact that he wanted to be.
"I love you too Nav." I was thankful for the people that Ryan had put in my life. It was peaceful for a few moments untill Blue was tugging on our hands, pulling us apart.
"Can we play ball?" She asked, pointing to the basketball court.
"We have to go get a ball first, but sure." We all knew Vinny wasn't turning down a chance to shoot some hoops. After a quick trip to the nearby Walmart we all stood on the court while Blue bounced the ball, shooting and missing by a longshot but we both told her how close she was and that she was so good at basketball. Vinny hardly ever missed a basket in the time that we played and he had even involved me, mostly egging me on as I played his defense and tried to steal the ball from him.
When Blue got bored and wanted to play a different game we finished up. We left the court laughing together and in that exact moment it just kind of hit me how lucky I was to have him. He was so good with Blue, he was so kind to me and he was just an amazing guy. Any girl was going to be lucky to get him. "Uncle Vinny! Can you push me?" Blue asked as she sat on a swing.
"Of course I can my love." He handed me the basketball before going over and pushing her on the swing. "Do you work tonight?" Vinny asked me. I shook my head 'no' in response. I never worked on Tuesdays. Usually just Thurdays, Fridays, Saturdays and my fourth day was usually random. "Then how about we all go get some dinner after this?"
"You wanna get some dinner with Vinny, Blue?"
"Can we get chicken nuggets?" She asked.
"Sure. We can get whatever you want." Vinny laughed. And so after a little bit longer at the park we headed out to dinner and had a good time with each other.
Blue was sad to see him go, and honestly so was I. But he had a life and things to attend to so after he had dropped us off and went home I turned on Princess and the frog while Blue did her spelling homework and I took the time to unwind, changing into some Grey sweatpants and a white tshirt for bed.
'Thanks for a fun day. I love you both.' The text on my phone read, making me smile.
'Thanks for everything Vin. You have no idea how much it all means to me. We love you too.' Why wasn't Vinny her dad? It would've made life so much easier and better for the both of us. But still, I had to be patient with Ryan and just keep trying. I owed it to Blue to try to get her dad involved more in her life.
Everything was a work in progress but we were lucky for what we had.

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