There will be a you without him *Chris Motionless

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"I can't hold her back, I hope you know that." Vinny joked to their group as the blonde next to him shot daggers at a man across the room.
What were the odds that her ex just had to come crash their party? It was probably a coincidence, but she wasn't happy with it either way. Ryan laughed, but the comment was shrugged off. Everyone intended to have a good night. A man wasn't going to ruin it.
Yet an hour later, chaos erupted as the girl had knocked his drink out of his hand while passing by each other.
"What the fuck?!" The man yelled as the blonde faced him, arms crossed over her chest as her face showed no emotion.
But all it took was him calling her one name and she completely lost it as Kylie tried to grab her arm and pull her back.
"Leda!" She yelled, glancing around to find one of their friends to help her. "Chris!"
The man was quick to intercept everything and grab the girl. As he lifted her off of her feet and carried her away from the scene, she fought his grip.
"Just stop." He spoke calmly, sitting her down on her feet once they were outside.
"I fucking hate him!" She yelled, pointing her finger at the door as she broke down and let the tears fall. Chris rested his back against the brick wall of the building as he pulled her in between his feet. She leaned into him as she pressed her forehead against his chest, sobbing into her hands as she brought them up to cover her face.
Inside the commotion had died down as everyone talked about what exactly had happened.
"Someone should go check on them." A stranger had suggested but Vinny shook his head, as Ricky spoke up.
"Nah. He's got her. We're all just going to make it worse."
After a few awkward moments people went about their buisness and back to enjoying their night.

"Shhh~" Chris had soothed her as he ran a hand through her hair. "Do you want me to take you home?" He asked quietly. It wasn't like she was able to get herself there in this state.
"I-" she had started to growl as she raised her fist. Chris was quick to grab her wrist and bring her arm back to her side.
"Stop it. Right now." His tone was soft as his words held the command. He wouldn't go as far as saying she had anger issues but.. everything she had been through in the last two months had definitely turned her into someone she usually wasn't. She was so hurt and angry that sometimes it came out in ways that wasnt her. Her sobs shook her body as she gave up and pressed all of her weight onto him. He didn't speak as he held her body. He had seen the changes in her, he knew how bad she had to be feeling inside. He wasn't going to let her act out in stupid ways because of it, but she had to let her feelings out and he was there for her. "I hate him! I hate him so much!" She screamed, balling her fist as she shook.
Chris took her fist in his hand and placed his lips to her knuckles before pulling her fingers from her palms.
"You gotta stop this, love." He sighed, grabbing her in one swift motion as he lifted her up and held her. Her arms snaked under his leather jacket as she gripped his shirt, holding onto the one thing that made her feel any kind of comfort. He placed his lips against the side of her head.
"Hey, is everything...?" Kylie had trailed off as she came outside.
"We're good." Chris spoke. There was nothing to say, they just needed time and space. But Kylie was a great friend and she got the idea.
"You're not going home tonight, you know that?" He spoke quietly as he smoothed her hair. If she was this much of a mess, Chris wasn't letting her go home alone. She didn't speak as she rested her head on his shoulder. "You're staying with me." At least he would know she was safe.
As the door opened and Chris noticed the person who walked out he cradled her face into the crook of his neck to prevent her from seeing him.
He didn't miss the stare he got from the male, and he hoped that it made the man feel even the slightest bit of anger or sadness.. but knowing how that man had treated his bestfriend.. well those emotions weren't likely to come from him.
As the man climbed into his Nissan he slammed the door, gaining the girls attention as she noticed.
"I should fucking key that shit." She growled, trying to get out of Chris' arms. He sat her on her feet but refused to let her go as he kept a grip on her arm despite her trying to pull away.
"Its not worth it. We both know that." He talked sense into her, pushing her hair behind her ear. After her ex was gone she let out a sigh as she leaned her weight back on the male who stood an inch away from her. "Can I tell you something?" He whispered. With tears in her eyes, she shook her head. She didn't want to hear anything. "I know you don't want to hear it. But the reality is, this will pass. Right now you're hurt and you're angry... and I get it. But the more time that goes by the more those feelings will go away. It's going to be okay." He kissed her temple as he took her hand. "Let's just go home- back to my place- and call it a night, okay?"
"I came here to have a good time. I've had one drink." She spoke, her tone angry and annoyed.
"And that's probably for the best." He nodded, taking both hands as he noticed she was getting worked up again. "Come here." He sighed, grabbing her waist and turning her around so that her back was pressed against his chest. He threaded his fingers through hers as he crossed her arms, placing their hands at her sides and resting his head ontop of hers. "Deep breaths." He spoke, walking her through a few. "Everything's okay. There was a you before him, and there's still a you after. These feelings will pass, I promise you."
After telling their friends that they were leaving, the two climbed into his Audi and headed back to his place.
"You can have the bed." He yawned as he grabbed a pillow and a blanket.
"No. The couch hurts your back." She shook her head.
"You need the comfort of a cozy bed. I'm good, Le."
"Chris..."  She sighed as she grabbed for the pillow in his hand and threw it on the bed. "Please." She whispered, glancing between him and the bed. He nodded his head, taking her hand in his.
"Just tonight." He breathed out, laying down onto the bed and pulling her with him. "Just for you." He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body against his. This wasn't going to become a habit but for tonight she needed him.

Sorry for disappearing again. I've got quite a few chapter's on my phone that are ready to go, so those will be coming. We'll just say you can use this chapter as a clue for why I've been gone 🫤

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