Bonfire night short *Ricky Horror* Fall 2022

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As we sat outside I pulled the blanket around my shoulders tighter, getting chills from the cool breeze on my bare arms.

Music played quietly in the background as Ricky hummed to it.

If it wasn't for the bonfire infront of us our yard would be pitch black, the sun had went down long ago.

I let out a peaceful sigh as I leaned my head on Ricky's shoulder, his arm immediately went around my waist.

We had debated on inviting our friends and having some drinks but honestly things hadn't been the best for us lately and we ultimately decided that it would be good for just the two of us.

"I know I don't always say it.. But I really do love you." Ricky told me softly. I turned my head to look at him.

"I know Ricky. I love you too." I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

To lighten the mood we ended up making some smores before somehow finding ourselves dancing around the fire together.

It would've been a kick ass fall bonfire with our friends but we were content with this. Besides, with it being so close to Halloween everyone had plans of their own.

Chris was taking his girlfriend and their daughter to the pumpkin patch, Ryan and his girl had haunted house plans, Vinny and his girl were doing their own thing at home and as for Justin, God only knew what he was up to.

And again, this quiet time for us was much needed.

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